Does PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision Work For Everyone?

Does PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision Work For Everyone?

For hundreds of years, glasses were the only solution to age-related vision deterioration – or indeed for any refractive error. By the mid-20th century, commercial contact lenses had come along, offering a discrete and effective alternative. Yet, many have continued to struggle with multifocal and varifocal lenses once presbyopia begins to set in.

Eventually, an alternative came along in the form of monovision surgery. But once again, this solution is not suitable for everyone, with around a third of people simply unable to tolerate this type of vision correction. Thankfully, in 2004, a new option became available: PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision.

Since then, millions of patients have said “Goodbye!” to the once inevitable reading glasses. But does PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision work for everyone?

Making Presbyopia a Thing of the Past

Many things are, unfortunately, a fact of life: greying hair, persistent wrinkles, and, of course, deteriorating eyesight. Presbyopia – or more flatteringly, “ageing eye” – comes to us all eventually, usually starting to take hold between the ages of 40 and 60.

Presbyopia occurs as the muscles in the eye begin to weaken and the once-flexible lens starts to harden. As a result, our eyes’ focusing power begins to degrade, making it increasingly difficult for us to focus on objects and writing that are close to us. And as we get older, our problems with near vision only get worse, traditionally leaving us reaching for the reading glasses on ever-more frequent occasions.

Of course, with the introduction of monovision surgery, many people found an alternative to reading glasses. Monovision surgery can involve implanting intra-ocular lenses (IOLs) into the eye or correcting the eye using laser surgery. In each of these methods, each eye is corrected differently: one for distance and one for near vision. If successful, the brain can then combine these images to create a clear picture at all distances.

However, a significant portion of patients (around 40%) cannot tolerate this approach to presbyopia correction.

Enter PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision

This revolutionary approach to presbyopia works similarly to monovision but with some important differences. The key to the difference between PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision and monovision is the word “blended”.

Whereas monovision treats one eye to work best up close and one to work best at distance, blended vision does the same but tapers each eye’s point of focus, to result in one smooth, ‘blended’ binocular field of vision.

The focusing power is increased in one eye to improve intermediate and close vision while the other is adjusted to improve intermediate and far vision. This overlap in the intermediate field (the “blend zone”) allows your brain to merge the two images more naturally, and, therefore, also means the tolerance rate is much higher than monovision

Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is suitable for everyone. As a Laser Eye Surgery procedure, prospective patients will have to meet the necessary requirements for this treatment, including having healthy eyes and overall health, and adequate cornea thickness. Nonetheless, current findings indicate that around 97% of patients will be candidates for PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision!

So, if you’re interested in finally ditching the reading glasses, maybe it’s time to inquire about PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision – the chances are you will be a perfect candidate for treatment. To find out more, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators or Book a Consultation today!