Do You Use Traditional LASIK or Bladeless LASIK Technology?

Do You Use Traditional LASIK or Bladeless LASIK Technology?

Today, Laser Eye Surgery can be performed using state-of-the-art technology that improves accuracy, outcomes, and healing times. But not so long ago, the procedure was comparably primitive and even a little bit grizzly.

The idea that spawned Laser Eye Surgery in all its glory was only conceived around 75 years ago. In that time, the procedure has advanced beyond all recognition, but the theory behind it has survived significant advancements in technology. So, let’s take a look at the brief history of Laser Eye Surgery, including how it has become a completely bladeless procedure in many clinics today.

The Origins of Laser Eye Surgery

Visual aids have been around for hundreds of years – with the first pairs of glasses emerging in the 13th century. But in the mid-20th century, Spanish Ophthalmologist José Ignacio Barraquer Moner devised a procedure that would instead correct the eye itself.

The procedure involved removing the front portion of the patient’s cornea with an oscillating blade before dipping it in liquid nitrogen and using a miniature lathe to change its shape. The cornea was then thawed and sewn back onto the patient’s eye.

The procedure was named ‘keratomileusis’ or “carved cornea” in Latin.

Sounds pretty gory, right? But this innovation saw Barraquer Moner become known as “the Grandfather of Laser Eye Surgery”. Of course, the lasers came later. Still, a blade – called a microkeratome may still be used to create the corneal flap in LASIK surgery today.

LASIK Laser Eye Surgery

LASIK Laser Eye Surgery was first introduced in the 90s and, despite decades going by, remains the most commonly performed procedure of its kind worldwide.

The treatment involves creating an incision in the cornea that allows a flap to be opened up. This grants the surgeon access to the corneal bed which is reshaped during the procedure. Once this is completed, the flap is simply put back in place and healing begins almost immediately.

Since the introduction of “bladeless” or “blade-free” LASIK in 2001, bladed LASIK surgery – known as the traditional LASIK procedure – has been gradually phased out. So, how exactly does “bladeless” LASIK work?

Bladeless Lasik, AKA – Intralase

Intralase represents one of the most significant developments in Laser Eye Surgery since the introduction of LASIK itself. The name is actually one of the most well-known product names for the femtosecond laser – the tool used to create the corneal flap in “bladeless” LASIK.

There are around six different types of femtosecond lasers available today. All of these lasers are used to create the corneal flap in LASIK Laser Eye Surgery.

These lasers work by creating a bubble – pre-programmed to a certain depth – within the corneal tissue. This bubble separates the tissue, allowing for a clear incision to be made and the corneal flap to be created. In short, IntraLase is simply an advanced laser cutting device, a technology that is used in most clinics today.

In addition to AMO Intralase, other leading manufacturers of femtosecond lasers include Carl Zeiss VisuMax, and Ziemer FEMTO LDV.

The introduction of Intralase makes the entire procedure safer, and more precise and reduces the risk of complications. Expert Laser Eye Surgeon Mr. Glenn Carp tells us more in the video below.

LASIK Laser Eye Surgery at London Vision Clinic

We understand that our patients expect the highest standard of treatment at London Vision Clinic. That’s why we use femtosecond laser technology as standard, ensuring the utmost safety and efficacy in every procedure.

If you would like to learn more about the technology used at London Vision Clinic, get in touch with one of our clinic coordinators today. Alternatively, if you’re ready to experience clear, glasses-free vision, Book a Consultation to start your journey.

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