Should I Stop Taking Any Medications Before Laser Eye Surgery?
Several things can interfere with the success of a Laser Eye Surgery procedure. Consuming alcohol before your treatment can lead to unwanted complications while lint from your clothing can interfere with the accuracy of the lasers. But what about prescription medications? Should you stop taking them before going under the laser?
Some medications can cause complications during Laser Eye Surgery due to contraindications with products used before, during, and after the treatment. But there’s no need to worry yet – as Mr Glen Carp explains in the video below, only a few prescription medications make this list.
Certain drugs can increase some risks associated with Laser Eye Surgery. Therefore, it may be necessary to ensure these drugs are completely out of your system before undergoing treatment. If this isn’t done, there could be an increased risk of complications such as dry eye and additional corneal oedema.
During your initial consultation at your chosen Laser Eye Surgery clinic, your doctor should discuss your general health with you, in addition to any past and present medications you are taking. This allows your doctor to accurately determine your suitability and give you advice regarding any changes that may be required for you to safely undergo Laser Eye Surgery.
A rigorous screening process is vital in allowing your doctor to understand whether you are suitable for Laser Eye surgery. However, being aware of the potential contraindications between Laser Eye Surgery and prescription medications can help to give you an idea of your potential suitability. So, let’s take a look at some of the conditions and medications that may affect this.
General Health and Autoimmune Diseases
Patients looking to have Laser Eye Surgery will be required to be in good all-round health. In some cases, autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, collagen vascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus may affect patients’ suitability, especially in cases where the condition is uncontrolled. Some medications that are prescribed for these conditions may also present an issue.
A History of Dry Eye
Dry eye is a relatively common problem, but some people are more susceptible than others. This can affect your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery – but that’s not always the case. It is important to inform your doctor during your screening appointment if you have a history of dry eye – for instance, when wearing contact lenses or when using certain medications.
Eye Health
The health of your eyes is an important factor when considering your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery. Patients who have suffered eye-related injuries or a condition such as glaucoma, cataracts, herpes eye infections, corneal disorders, or retinal diseases may find that they are unsuitable for treatment.
However, suitability is determined on a case-by-case basis following a thorough consultation process with an experienced consultant.
Prescription drugs that suppress the immune system, affect vision, or interrupt wound healing
Now that we have covered some of the conditions that can affect your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery, let’s get back to medications.
Some medications, such as isotretinoin, steroids, and retinoic acid, can interfere with Laser Eye Surgery treatment. This may require patients to cease taking these medications, if safe, during the treatment period. However, even if you are familiar with one of the conditions or medications mentioned in this article, you may not need to rule out Laser Eye Surgery immediately.
At London Vision Clinic, our expert surgeons are able to treat 98% of the patients who contact us. The fact is if you speak to a clinic with world-class surgeons and access to the most cutting-edge technology, your chances of being suitable for surgery increase significantly.
If you’d like to learn more about your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators or Book a Consultation today.
View Comments (1)
I never knew all these things can interfere with the surgery. Thanks for sharing the information! I am definitely a step closer to making a decision whether to have this done! :)