What do your eyes reveal about who you are? Everyone has heard the saying “the eyes are the windows to the soul”. It’s been so overused in advertising and daily speech that it’s almost lost all meaning. But like most cliches, there’s a reason it has stuck around in the public consciousness. Mentioned in the bible in Matthew 6 22-23, and being very similar to proverbs in several languages, such as the French, ‘Les yeux sont le miroir de l’dme’, “The…
Category: Your Eyes
Dolphins, eagles and other animals with better vision than you
Dolphins, eagles, and other animals with better vision than you When it comes to a lot of natural abilities, humans are by far top of the pile. We can use tools like cutlery and computers and surgical equipment to improve our lives and society as a whole. We can conceive complex, multidimensional ideas, and project into the future and think back long into the past. And when it comes to vision, well, we can see pretty well. We can perceive…