The Latest Advances in Laser Eye Surgery [VIDEO]

The Latest Advances in Laser Eye Surgery To the uninitiated, the idea of lying under a machine that is about to use lasers to permanently remove tissue from your eye can easily be mistaken for a torture scene from a poorly received sci-fi movie. But what if we told you that this is a procedure that is carried out every single day, all around the world? And those invisible lasers are helping to give people permanently clear vision – all…

Using LASEK / PRK Eye Surgery to Treat Your Refractive Error [VIDEO]

Using LASEK/PRK Eye Surgery to Treat Your Refractive Error If you have done any research at all into Laser Eye Surgery, you will probably have noticed that the profession is not averse to an abbreviation or two. Well, that’s kind of an understatement: between LASEK/PRK, LASIK, ReLEx SMILE – the truth is, you can’t get more than two minutes into your research without coming across at least one. While these abbreviations are obviously designed to replace complicated words that the…

Can Laser Eye Surgery Treat Strabismus and Squints? [VIDEO]

Strabismus or squints cannot be treated with laser eye surgery, as this is surgery that is required on the muscles around the eye. Laser eye surgery should have no bearing on a strabismus or a squint. It should not make the squint worse, it should not make it better. Occasionally, there may be a small residual refractive error after laser eye surgery, which may enhance the appearance of the squint but of course this can be managed either with further enhancement laser eye surgery or muscle surgery around the eye itself….

What Should I Do to Prepare For Laser Eye Surgery? [VIDEO]

Prior to the actual procedure itself there is not much the patient really needs to do to prepare themselves for the actual treatment. We ask people on the day of the treatment to avoid any cologne or perfumes as well as hairspray, for ladies to remove any eye makeup and mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow and also to avoid any woollen clothing to be worn during the actual procedure….

I Have Astigmatism, Can I Still Have Laser Eye Surgery? [VIDEO]

I Have Astigmatism, Can I Still Have Laser Eye Surgery? When many people think of Laser Eye Surgery, they may think of it as only a solution to Myopia (short-sightedness) and Hyperopia (long-sightedness). But the truth is, these treatments can address many more refractive errors – including astigmatism. Here at London Vision Clinic, our expert surgeons have been using Laser Eye Surgery to treat astigmatism for years. Before we get into how Laser Eye Surgery works to correct astigmatism, let’s…

Patient Testimonial: Life After Laser Eye Surgery [VIDEO]

Patient Testimonial: Life After Laser Eye Surgery [VIDEO] Those of us who need to wear glasses – whether for long-sightedness, short-sightedness or for reading – know just how annoying they can be. After a time, though, this annoyance simply becomes a part of life. After all, without our glasses – or contact lenses – it can be difficult to perform a number of everyday tasks. But, it is this ‘getting used to it’ outlook that makes the results of Laser…

What Eye Conditions Might Make One Unsuitable For Laser Eye Surgery? [VIDEO]

Many people wonder if they are suitable for laser eye surgery. In this post, Mr Glenn Carp explains “Probably 99% of people are candidates for the treatment nowadays with modern technology. The main conditions that we are looking for preoperatively before we do the surgery procedure is to make sure that people have sufficient corneal tissue for the treatment, although that is not a contraindication itself, it is just to see if the full prescription can be treated, but more importantly to make sure there are no weak spots within the cornea.” Read more……

10 Things To Do That Are Miles Better Without Wearing Glasses

10 Things that are Miles Better without Wearing Glasses There are some things in life that we can’t accurately imagine until we take the plunge and just go for it. Things like having a baby, or starting a new career. Oh, or getting rid of your glasses – once and for all. From admiring the latest drawing from your little one to appreciating the beauty of a sunrise – or even reading this article – sufficient vision is a prerequisite…

Choosing a Clinic: Harley Street vs High Street

Choosing a Clinic: Harley Street vs High Street Laser Eye Surgery is now more popular than ever before – in fact, it is now the most popular elective procedure in the world. This popularity has seen the number of high street providers in the UK skyrocket over the last two decades. This rise could be considered a good thing; it has meant more access, lower prices, and more options to choose from. On the other hand, it should be noted…

10 things every glasses wearer will know

10 Things that Every Glasses Wearer Will Have Experienced Glasses are cool, right? I mean, they help us to see and everything, but they certainly have their drawbacks – like the pimples around the rims, or their constant desire to go missing. Oh, and don’t even get me started on… Okay, glasses wearers definitely have A LOT to deal with that frameless folks will never understand. Do your pet hates make our list of the most annoying things about wearing…