Patient Testimonial: Life After Laser Eye Surgery [VIDEO]

Patient Testimonial: Life After Laser Eye Surgery [VIDEO] Those of us who need to wear glasses – whether for long-sightedness, short-sightedness or for reading – know just how annoying they can be. After a time, though, this annoyance simply becomes a part of life. After all, without our glasses – or contact lenses – it can be difficult to perform a number of everyday tasks. But, it is this ‘getting used to it’ outlook that makes the results of Laser…

How long does laser eye surgery last?

How long does Laser Eye Surgery last? One of the most common questions we get here at London Vision Clinic is “how long does Laser Eye Surgery last?”. For a procedure that can be performed in a matter of minutes, it makes sense that some patients may be dubious about how long-lasting the effects might be. There are a lot of myths out there about Laser Eye Surgery – myths that we are trying to stamp out. That’s why we…

Common Questions: Is LASIK recommended after 50?

Is LASIK recommended after 50? The further on we get in life, the more we begin to regret the things we didn’t do – as opposed to those we did. It is, therefore, understandable that, as we get older, Laser Eye Surgery begins to look increasingly attractive. After all, who wants to spend the rest of their lives looking around frantically for misplaced glasses or fumbling around with contact lenses? One thing is for certain: no one will ever look back…

Can Laser Eye Surgery Benefit Ageing Eyes?

There is some consolation in that it happens to everyone… yes, even the “beautiful people” have birthdays and get older. Despite having access to the best anti-ageing tricks and treatments available, eventually the years will catch up with them too and, while the wrinkles might be relatively easy to eliminate, without a visit to a reputable refractive laser eye surgeon, eventually their near sight will deteriorate and they will have to reach for the reading glasses….

Tired Of Wearing Glasses?

Tired Of Wearing Glasses? Eyeglasses were invented hundreds of years ago for a simple purpose: to correct vision. The invention and later innovations of glasses presented a solution to those living with such impairments as short-sightedness, long-sightedness, and astigmatism. Yet, since their invention in the 13th century, glasses technology has changed very little. The result? Glasses don’t come without their problems. Broken frames and lenses, lost pairs, visits to the optometrist, and waking up to a blurry alarm clock; these…