Meeting Senior Nurse Dani Nursing has to be one of the most varied careers in existence: where and how nurses choose to practice their skills is only limited by their imagination. A shining example of this is the London Vision Clinic´s senior nurse, Dani Barrett. Her professional qualifications have taken her from the tiny Australian outback village of Emu Creek to London’s Harley Street via a journey that would even make ER scriptwriters question the story line as being too…
Category: Harley St London
PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision Goes Global
PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision Goes Global Now here’s the biggest headline: “PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision Goes Global”. And behind it the news that Dr Dan’s invention was introduced at the ESCRS in Barcelona and has subsequently been fully launched at the ophthalmology congress in San Francisco. The London Vision Clinic pioneered the PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision technique which has led to so many of us ‘patients-of-a-certain-age’ happily binning our reading glasses. Most of us spec-free patients give little consideration to…
Battle Of The Professors
Battle Of The Professors The journalist inside me is always thinking in terms of news stories, interesting angles and headlines. Almost all situations and events can be written up in a newsworthy way and even highly specialised topics – like those covered in the ESCRS in Barcelona –can be reported in a manner that should enjoy a wider appeal. Looking back on the congress I find myself wondering what would be its lasting memory for all the participants. What would…
Where I Fail To Ask A Burning Question
Where I Fail To Ask A Burning Question Members of the ESCRS certainly “get about” a bit. Recent gatherings of various size and importance have been held in Paris, London, Athens, Stockholm and Berlin. In Barcelona it was the first time that the city’s prestigious International Convention Centre (CCIB) had been chosen as the venue. The convention centre is enormous – with the sort of dimensions to merit handing out roller skates to delegates alongside the smart red document cases…
Blogger’s Eye View Of Barcelona
Blogger’s Eye View Of Barcelona Barcelona is one of my favourite cities and a place that I know quite well after several visits (the highlight of which was watching my little grand-daughter come in to the world there in June last year). However –with or without babies or eye congresses – I don’t see Barcelona through rose-tinted glasses. I recognise all too clearly that it has a terrible (and, unfortunately, well deserved) reputation for street crime. The historic El Born…
London Vision Clinic At ESCRS Congress 2009
London Vision Clinic At ESCRS Congress 2009 It’s not often that one finds oneself part of a gathering of several thousand people confident in the knowledge that you are unique. I am not talking about one’s DNA … this is more to do with outlook, rather than one’s genetic make-up. This thought occurred to me at the XXVII Congress of the ESCRS held in Barcelona from September 12th to 16th. ESCRS (which still doesn’t roll easily off my tongue) stands…
Valium In A Volume
Valium In A Volume During my recent broadcasting days it was never known how many people might be tuning in to my programme at any given time. It seems that reliable audience figures for foreign media in Spain are simply unavailable. We always worked on a “guesstimate” based on the guidelines provided by the British consular offices which are calculated by the number of registered Brits. We would then add on percentages of other English speakers in the coastal areas,…
On-line Access From Anywhere
On-line Access From Anywhere The London Vision Clinic’s paper-free approach to eye tests and storage of patients’ notes has very positive practical implications as well as the obvious advantages. Patient’s notes stored in this way can be accessed from anywhere in the world. For instance if Dr Dan -taking a well earned break skiing with his family in Switzerland – is called upon to give a second opinion, he can access all the patient’s files from his mountain top chalet….
The Biased Blogger
The Biased Blogger Let me introduce myself as an award-winning broadcaster, journalist, writer and former patient who is now – proudly – the LVC’s fly on the wall blogger. ‘Aa-haa’, I hear the cynics among you mutter. ‘She’ll be employed by the LVC. Her views on Laser Eye Surgery are hardly likely to be impartial’. Yes, you’re probably right. Obviously I only have a lay person’s knowledge of things ophthalmological but – after more than twenty years of journalistic experience…
The Birth Of A Blog
The Birth Of A Blog Like many good ideas, this one pops into my head at 4.00am. Of course the London Vision Clinic parties and Dr Dan on the sax are a great way for existing patients to keep a connection with the clinic and its pioneering work; but here – at the click of a mouse – is another way… The LVC Blog. This blog will tell the whole story of the London Vision Clinic from its inception in…