This Blogger’s Learning Curve

A female friend of mine describes herself as a “Techno Tart” – for the sake of alliteration let’s call her Trisha.I feel quaintly old-fashioned after spending time with Trisha and her shiny new iPad……

More Thoughts On Truth

Having written about the Three Phases of Truth and how they might relate to the expectations of the Laser Eye Humanitarian Project in Nepal, it occurred to me that ……

The Three Phases Of Truth

According to the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (and Professor Dan Reinstein founder of the London Vision Clinic) truth passes through three phases:

-First it is ridiculed….

The London Vision Clinic Club

I’ve never been much of a “joiner” – the camaraderie of fellowship has left me lukewarm and I should confess that throughout my life, I have rarely been tempted to seek membership of groups or societies. Therefore it is somewhat out of character for me to announce with pride, how happy I am to be part of the ever growing “club” of former London Vision Clinic patients……

Old-Fashioned Folk Wisdom In The Spotlight

“The cobbler’s children are the worst shod” while “in the home of the smith the knives are blunt” – these quaintly old fashioned proverbs don’t appear to have a modern equivalent … possibly because they are “past their sell by date”……