Insight Magazine

Find Out The Facts From The Pioneer In Laser Eye Surgery – Professor Dan Reinstein For the majority of the population glasses are part of everyday life, yet can also be the bane of your life when it comes to ageing eyes, bifocal vision and general deterioration. Here at Insight, we all struggle with our eyesight, with many in the office spec wearers, but wouldn’t it be nice to wake up in the morning and not fumble around for your…

Cache Magazine

Look Into My Eyes:’s Mary Harboe counts down the months, weeks, days and hours to her life-changing Laser Eye Surgery in the safe hands of Professor Reinstein at the London Vision Clinic. Two Months Before Is there such a thing as coincidence? I am not sure, but it certainly seemed rather odd that within the space of 24 hours I had heard a new word – ‘presbyopia’ – mentioned in two completely different circumstances. Of course, if I had…

Police Life

Better Vision, Better Performance Can Laser Eye Surgery help police professionals do their job better? “LASIK is extraordinarily safe in fully trained hands, but even average surgeons can still get it right 90 per cent of the time. Just like in any profession, the few bad apples can give the profession a bad name.” -Professor Dan Reinstein. After Laser Eye Surgery, Tiger Woods, arguably the world’s best golfer, effortlessly won the Pebble Beach PGA tournament in February, 2000, in California….

Putting On The 3D Specs

Glenn Carp, was born and brought up in South Africa so it is hardly surprising that he should use examples of wildlife to explain the concept of binocular vision, depth of perception (or stereoacuities) and……

No “Sell By Date” On After Care

There is No “Sell By Date” On After Care I was thinking about Patsy and the vet’s behaviour when I met Dr Dan Reinstein’s wife, Ursula, at the clinic’s Thanksgiving party. I discovered that Ursula had trained and qualified in veterinary medicine and was also fascinated to learn that she had also  joined the ever-growing list of London Vision Clinic patients – a few months previously, Dr Dan had corrected his wife’s eye sight. I wondered what it must have…

The Way You See The World

The Way You See The World It would have been churlish to refuse and there was another reason why I agreed once again to confront my fear of public speaking: I am constantly surprised by the amount of misinformation that still surrounds the whole subject of Laser Eye Surgery. So that’s why I found myself  on stage at the prestigious Kempinski Hotel in Estepona explaining to some 150 smart and well-dressed women the ins and outs of my Laser Eye…

Through The Eye Of A Needle

Through The Eye Of A Needle Body language experts tell us that to cross our arms in front of our chests is a very defensive gesture as in: “Don’t come close to me – I am not allowing anyone into my space”. But, humour this blogger for a moment and do it. Now look down at your arms and note which one is on top and which hand is slightly exposed and which is snugly tucked away from view? When…

Chocolate Or Valium

Chocolate Or Valium? Chocolate is something I normally try to avoid. Any rare craving for the stuff is quelled by nibbling a square of bitter dark 60 or 70%. That would happily satisfy the urge until the next time…. Unless it happens to be surgery day at the London Vision Clinic … then it’s like open day at Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory… and it’s all on “prescription”. Dr Dan and the LVC team find the combination of comforting chocolate (full…