Five Fascinating Facts About Your Eyes

Eyes are great for lots of reasons: they enable us to see the world and connect with people, they are almost always beautiful, and they are thought to be ‘the window to the soul’. Here are another five reasons that eyes really are fantastic! …

How To Reduce Puffy Eyes

Go into any chemist and you’ll see shelves upon shelves of miracle cures for all manner of things but the truth is, many can be solved with cheap home remedies. Puffy eyes are no different – and they are something that we all experience from time to time! Late nights and tough times, partying hard and holiday seasons (Christmas and New Year being the busiest!) can leave the skin around your eyes swollen, red, and unsightly. As tempting as the lotions, potions, creams, and fancy eye pads may sound, you can often achieve the same results with these simple yet effective methods:…

How To Take Care Of Your Eyes

The eyes are one of the most sensitive and also most spectacular parts of the body, yet they often get overlooked when it comes to health care. There aren’t many people that would be happy to give up their vision – it’s one of the things that connects us to the world and the people around us. So what are the best ways to take care of your eyes?…

The Revolution Of PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision

As you age, glasses become one of your best friends enabling you to do all sorts of activities. With many different options for laser eye surgery, the London Vision Clinic has pioneered a new technique called laser blended vision. This new technique is only offered at London Vision Clinic with laser eye surgery pioneer Professor Dan Reinstein leading the way. …

Spring Season Fruits and Vegetables for a Healthier You

Spring Season Fruits And Vegetables For A Healthier You The sun is out and it seems as though spring has finally arrived. This season is a wonderful period to take advantage of the renewal and transformation vibe it brings. It is one of the best times to revitalize your well-being and rejuvenate your health. Likewise, it is a good time to go on a healthy diet and enjoy the season’s fruits and vegetables. To keep your menu unique and your…

Travel-Loving Emily Says, “Thanks To Laser Eye Surgery, No More Migraines!”

When Emily joined the London Vision Clinic’s team of nurses in May 2011, almost everything was perfect for the 25-year-old Australian. She was fulfilling a lifetime dream of a career in her chosen profession combined with the opportunity to pursue her other passion of travel. However, at the end of a busy day she was prone to headaches and had no enthusiasm to go out and exploring London with her friends….