How quickly do you recover from Laser Eye Surgery?

How quickly do you recover from Laser Eye Surgery? If you’re looking for the fastest and most effective way to improve your vision, then you’ve come to the right place. Granted, having Laser Eye Surgery may seem not as quick a solution as popping on a pair of glasses or contact lenses. But if you add up the amount of time in your life you have spent (and will spend) searching for your glasses, faffing with contacts, or visiting your…

A Lifetime Of Glasses Or Laser Eye Surgery?

 A Lifetime Of Glasses Or Laser Eye Surgery? A childhood friend of my was christened early by his peers with the name of ‘foggy’, simply because his glasses would always fog up when the temperature suddenly changed. It’s a silly story, but it touches on an important point that is part of a much larger problem for the frequent glasses wearer. Waking up to a blurry alarm clock, struggling to find where you placed them last, breaking a lens, going…

Laser Eye Surgery Aftercare Guidance

Laser Eye Surgery Aftercare Guidance After finishing your treatment of Laser Eye Surgery at the laser clinic it is imperative that you follow certain guidelines in order to minimise any complications. After your surgery you will need to be escorted home as a pad will be applied to cover your eye. You will not be allowed to drive home from your appointment yourself. Taking a step at a time after Laser Eye Surgery is crucial for your own safety. On…

Laser Eye Surgery — How Much Time Will I Need Off Work?

Laser Eye Surgery — How Much Time Will I Need Off Work? Depending on what you do for a living, you may be hoping you can get back to work immediately after Laser Eye Surgery. Or, you may be hoping to finally have some prescribed and leisurely time away. Preferably far away on some tropical island with plenty of medicinal cocktails and time spent resting. If you’re more likely to be in the latter group, unfortunately, that’s not what you’re…

Laser Eye Surgery For Very High Prescriptions

Laser Eye Surgery For Very High Prescriptions In the 21st century, despite pretty undisputable evidence to the contrary, many people still believe the world is flat and that we’ve never actually been to space. Some people still believe, particularly in India, that the ancient religious practice of drinking your own urine is a cure-all remedy that can even lead to enlightenment. And other people still believe that this whole global warming thing is a complete sham, being fabricated as simply…

What Is LASIK Laser Eye Surgery?

What Is LASIK Laser Eye Surgery? LASIK Laser Eye Surgery (Laser-assisted In-situ Keratomileusis) is an elective surgical procedure to correct common vision problems such as hyperopia (far-sightedness), myopia (near-sightedness), presbyopia (natural ageing of the eyes) and/or astigmatism. The procedure uses an extremely accurate femtosecond laser to create a very thin flap of tissue in the outer cornea – the front of the eye. The flap is then gently folded back allowing the surgeon to remove a precise amount of corneal…

Laser Eye Surgery results FAQ

Laser Eye Surgery results FAQ If you’re looking for our results, you can review the London Vision Clinic’s statistical results and patient reviews. Can I go blind after Laser Eye Surgery? To watch Mr. Glenn Carp answer this question in a video click here. Essentially, no. Technically there is an exceedingly small risk of blindness with laser eye surgery but it is lower than the risk of wearing monthly contact lenses for one year, so a risk that everyone seems to…

The London Eye: Fun Facts About The Capital’s Very Own Visual Organ

The London Eye: Fun Facts About The Capital’s Very Own Visual Organ The EDF Energy London Eye is one of London’s most popular attractions, attracting around three million visitors every single year. In fact, it even gets more visitors than the Taj Mahal and the Great Pyramids of Giza! Construction began on the London Eye — originally named the Millennium Wheel — back in 1998, in order to celebrate the coming of the new millennium (along with other, less well-fated…

What A Drag It Is Choosing New Glasses…

As a delighted London Vision Clinic patient who – in a weak, sibling-bonding moment – offered to help her sister choose new frames, I was recently struck by what a drag it is selecting new glasses. The selection process can be akin to negotiating a very expensive minefield littered with costly mistakes and fashion blunders at every turn. …

The 10 Most Annoying Things About Reading Glasses

In life, it can sometimes feel like there are just two types of people – those that wear glasses and those that don’t. And, let’s be honest, those people who don’t have to wear glasses will never understand some of the frustrations they cause! Are any of these familiar to you?…