Why should the young have all the fun?

Why should the young have all the fun? Every year we celebrate our chronological age, i.e how many years we’ve lived since our mothers performed the gracious act of bringing us into the world. But once you get beyond thirty or forty you begin to realise this isn’t a true representation of how old you are. Somehow the numbers keep going up but you don’t feel like you’re ageing with them. In some senses, you feel younger than ever. Your…

At the Forefront of Refractive Surgery

At the Forefront of Refractive Surgery The Forefront of Refractive Surgery presented by the London Vision Clinic focuses on the two most advanced and pioneering procedures in refractive surgery at the moment; SMILE and PRESBYOND (PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision). It is a three day course including lectures, practical workshops, group workshops, and a wet lab. In addition to this, London Vision Clinic are also publishing a book on SMILE (The Surgeon’s Guide to SMILE), which will be available in 2018…

See more. Clearly.

See more. Clearly. Sure, you’ve visited the Grand Canyon, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, or the Pyramids of Egypt, but did you really see them? I mean, you have the photos and everything to prove it, right? But when you were actually there, beyond your phone and camera lens, your partner complaining about their feet, and the thoughts about what you were going to do for dinner, did you truly see them in all their magnificent glory? We know the trivialities above can…

Laser Eye Surgery in 2020

Laser Eye Surgery in 2020 2020: It’s the year of the world’s first robot Olympics and a time when more people will have mobile phones than electricity, cars will drive themselves, and your typical home computer will have the processing power of a human brain. But what does it have in store for Laser Eye Surgery? Well, if its history is anything to go by, a lot — a heck of a lot. Since the dawn of the first laser eye treatment…

Visit us on Facebook

Visit us on Facebook You wouldn’t think it, but working as a freelancer there are many times I miss being in a big office and working under the iron thumb of a boss. For one, I wouldn’t suddenly decide to take an extended lunch break when I have a deadline to meet the next morning; they also probably wouldn’t stand for my clothes rack/kitchen counter/desk either. But the main impact having a stern face looming over me would be in cutting down the endless hours I spend…

Where do you keep your reading glasses?

Where do you keep your reading glasses? At around a million times faster than NASA’s 1960’s computer, a smartphone is an incredibly sophisticated piece of tech. With it, you can do things like pay for groceries, translate text, and stay in touch with your loved ones. Without it, well, we would barely achieve anything. And as such an indispensable part of our life that brings us endless pleasure (thank you Candy Crush), we have no trouble carting it around with us everywhere…

Rolling back the years: How to treat presbyopia

Rolling back the years: How to treat presbyopia We accept ageing as a fact — an unavoidable process that governs all existence and affects us whether we like it or not. And in many ways, it is. Ageing is one part of the biological puzzle that continues to evade even the brightest minds and the most cutting edge technology. However, all is not lost; many experts believe an effective solution to slowing down and even reversing ageing is on the…

Alternatives to laser surgery for your eyes

Alternatives to laser surgery for your eyes It’s taken us a long time to get to this point — around a thousand years to be more exact. Even longer if you count the early work of Greek scholars like Euclid and Aristotle. Back then if you were afflicted by poor eyesight, you didn’t have much choice other than to deal with it. But it wasn’t all bad; you may even have been thought of as blessed and sought after for certain crafts…

Would you consider cut-price Laser Eye Surgery?

Would you consider cut-price Laser Eye Surgery? Why would you pay more when you could get the same treatment and achieve the same outcome for less? I mean, Laser Eye Surgery is Laser Eye Surgery wherever you go, right? It always rids people of the need to wear glasses or contacts and permanently improves their vision, so why shouldn’t you snap up that spring offer or wander down to the cheap clinic on the high street? Well, as the industry is unregulated and the cost…

Can I fly after laser surgery?

Can I fly after laser surgery? As a nation, we’re utterly obsessed with jumping on planes and spending our hard earned time as far away as possible. We put ourselves through the mind-numbing process of packing, endure endless delays, and cram ourselves into seats unsuitable for anyone bigger than a five-year-old. Even if it’s just for a few nights away. But none of this matters — it’s always worth it. And we’re just as quick to do it all over again. After…