Do I have to stop any medication prior to Laser Eye Surgery?

Do I have to stop any medication prior to Laser Eye Surgery? There are a few things that can interfere with Laser Eye Surgery: alcohol, makeup, lint – oh, and prescription medications. Some medications can cause complications during treatment due to contraindications with the products used before, during, and after surgery. Don’t worry too much, though. Unlike a dose of Dutch courage, a dash of perfume, or your favourite wool sweater – which should all be completely avoided – as…

Post-LASIK patients risk of halos and starbursts around bright lights at night

Post-LASIK patients risk of halos and starbursts around bright lights at night Side effects are never a wanted accompaniment to any type of treatment – whether expected or not. But the reality is that side effects occur with almost all kinds of medical and surgical treatments – and the same applies to Laser Eye Surgery. Therefore, it is always best to be aware of what you can expect when you have treatment. For example, what are the common side effects and…

Laser Eye Surgery: How to test your vision at home

How to test your vision at home Over the last three years, when services have been limited and our time at home has sky-rocketed, many of us have turned to DIY approaches to everyday tasks. From haircuts to home gyms, our capacity for self-dependence has definitely been put to the test. But being stuck indoors can have other implications – particularly when it comes to our health. For example, spending extended amounts of time in dry environments can cause strain…

The Dos and Don’ts Of Wearing Make Up Before & After Laser Eye Surgery

The Do’s and Don’ts Of Wearing Make-Up Before & After Laser Eye Surgery Our surgeons get asked a lot of questions about Laser Eye Surgery – one of the most common, though, is, “When can I wear makeup again?” Far from being a vain or unimportant question that many may take it for, this is actually a great question that is crucial to both the safety and ease of your recovery. While Laser Eye Surgery is now the most commonly…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If…? And Other Suitability Questions

‘Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If…?’ And Other Suitability Questions When it comes to Laser Eye Surgery, suitability for treatment is the most important consideration made by our surgeons. Now, you might think that if one clinic tells you you are unsuitable for Laser Eye Surgery, you can expect the same answer at any other clinic. I mean, this is the case for many typical surgical procedures, right? That is, any surgical procedures that are subject to standardised regulations….

8 reasons a high staff to patient ratio makes a difference

8 Reasons a High Staff to Patient Ratio makes a Difference When was the last time someone sat you down and asked you a series of personal questions about your life? For me, it was yesterday. You might assume that this was an uncomfortable conversation but, in reality, it was quite the opposite. Unsatisfied with the care of my GP, I tracked down a medical herbalist near where I live, situated a few miles away along the winding narrow lanes…

How long does laser eye surgery last?

How long does Laser Eye Surgery last? One of the most common questions we get here at London Vision Clinic is “how long does Laser Eye Surgery last?”. For a procedure that can be performed in a matter of minutes, it makes sense that some patients may be dubious about how long-lasting the effects might be. There are a lot of myths out there about Laser Eye Surgery – myths that we are trying to stamp out. That’s why we…

Does it really take 10,000 operations to be an expert?

Does it really take 10,000 operations to be an expert? Every industry is full to the brim of people that call themselves ‘experts’. To the everyday novice, it is often difficult to tell what measure makes a person an expert in any given field. In the space of self-mastery and professional development, there has long been an idea circulated about what this measure is – what it takes to become an official, bonified expert: a 1993 paper by Dr Anders…

Should I wait for a better procedure to be developed? What’s on the horizon?

Should I wait for a better procedure to be developed? What’s on the horizon? We all know the feeling of having an “out-of-date” smartphone, car – or anything else for that matter. From feeling completely satisfied (and perhaps even a little superior) when we walk out of the shop or get that long-awaited delivery, knowing that we have the latest and greatest product available on the market. That feeling, however, is not likely to last very long. Your new phone,…