Can I Fit Laser Eye Surgery around a Hectic Work Schedule?

Can I Fit Laser Eye Surgery around a Hectic Work Schedule? If you’ve been considering Laser Eye Surgery for a while, you have probably done some research into the procedure itself – maybe you have even started to consider which clinic would be the best option; but now that the prospect of having this life-changing treatment is becoming more of a reality, you may have gotten yourself bogged down with the logistics. For example, will you be able to fit…

When Can I Watch TV After Laser Eye Surgery?

When Can I Watch TV After Laser Eye Surgery? Most people will admit that TV has played a huge role in their lives, providing countless hours of entertainment from their childhoods right into their later adult years. But with the introduction of new media and platforms – which have seen us streaming films and sports on our laptops, tablets, and even phones – watching television has become our default option for switching off and unwinding, day or night. So, with…

Can London Vision Clinic Correct Or Fix My Previous Laser Eye Surgery?

Can London Vision Clinic Correct Or Fix My Previous Laser Eye Surgery? Ongoing developments in technology mean that Laser Eye Surgery is now an option for more people than ever before. For example, here at London Vision Clinic, we can treat around 98% of the patients that we see. We can even treat much higher prescriptions than the norm, thanks to our access to the most innovative, state-of-the-art technology and the unrivalled expertise of our surgeons. But what about if you…

What Happens Directly After Laser Eye Surgery?

What Will Happen Directly After Laser Eye Surgery? If you’ve decided to go ahead with Laser Eye Surgery, you have likely spent a lot of time thinking about the procedure itself. This is completely understandable – I mean, who wouldn’t find the thought of eye surgery a little disconcerting? But hopefully, your chosen clinic will have given you all the information you need to put your mind at ease and give you time to start thinking about the next chapter….

Clear Vision After Laser Eye Surgery: A Life-Changing Procedure

Clear Vision After Laser Eye Surgery: A Life-Changing Procedure For the staff and surgeons here at London Vision Clinic, the look on a patient’s face as they walk away after Laser Eye Surgery is one of the perks of the job. Seeing the realisation of clear vision, sometimes after a lifetime of visual aids, truly is a joy to behold and we feel fortunate to be able to share this experience with our patients. For many, the thought of being…

Championing Verbal Anaesthesia for Laser Eye Surgery

Championing Verbal Anaesthesia for Laser Eye Surgery One of the most common anxieties we find patients have about Laser Eye Surgery is the question of anaesthesia. We are often asked whether patients are put to sleep (general anaesthetic) during surgery and many are alarmed to discover that they will, in fact, be awake throughout the whole procedure. But at London Vision Clinic, our surgeons are experts in administering verbal anaesthesia (alongside local anaesthetic, of course!) to put our patients’ minds…