Could Laser Eye Surgery Save You Money in the Long Run? It’s only natural to want to get a good deal – whether that’s by bartering with a market stall owner or negotiating the right price on your next home. And with the cost of living crisis what it is, this desire to get the best value is stronger than ever. Of course, there are some areas of life where scrimping isn’t a good idea, and your medical care is…
Category: Costs
How Much Should You Pay for Laser Eye Surgery?
How Much Should You Pay for Laser Eye Surgery? There are a lot of things to consider when choosing a Laser Eye Surgery clinic, but perhaps one of the most pressing on most people’s minds is cost. Much like buying a house or a car, having Laser Eye Surgery is an investment. But unlike these examples, finding treatment at the right price can be notoriously complicated. So, how much should you pay for Laser Eye Surgery? When you’re looking to…
Are You Spending Too Much on Laser Eye Surgery?
The cost of laser eye surgery is listed as one of top reasons why many individuals do not end up going through with the procedure. When you look at the total cost of surgery, it can (to some) seem overwhelming, and to many even impossible….
The True Price of Cheap Laser Eye Surgery
The True Price of Cheap Laser Eye Surgery Let’s face it, we all love a bargain. Whether it’s a great deal on a package holiday or a buy-one-get-one-free offer on our favourite grocery product; however, when it comes to something as important as our health, should we really be offering to compromise treatment for the sake of a cheap deal? Moreover, how many times have you thought you were savvy by opting for the cheaper version of a product, only…
Laser Eye Surgery Costs: Factors That Create Confusion
We’ve noticed that one of the most popular pages on our website is about laser eye surgery costs. So, we’ve decided to conduct a comparison of fees that range across the laser eye service providers to provide some context about this subject. Understand some of the specific factors that create confusion in laser eye surgery pricing across clinics….
Is Laser Eye Surgery Worth the Cost?
Everyone has different factors driving the decision on Lasik Eye Surgery. For some the cost and slight risk is not worth the investment. For others however, the surgery pays off a million times in the improvement of quality of life, boost to self esteem, convenience, cost and effort of maintaining glasses or contact lenses wear. Read more to help weight up the pros and cons in this highly personal decision….
Will My Health Insurance Cover Laser Eye Surgery?
Health insurance tends to not cover the treatment because it’s considered an elective procedure, However, it’s best to check with your provider as they are all different….
Cost Involved With Laser Eye Surgery At London Vision Clinic
The Cost of Laser Eye Surgery at London Vision Clinic Despite the vast benefits of having Laser Eye Surgery (getting rid of irritating glasses and fiddly contact lenses, to say the least), the cost of treatment understandably remains a significant barrier for many people. Let’s face it: Laser Eye Surgery isn’t cheap. With such a wide variation in prices for seemingly the same treatment in the UK alone, deciding whether to have Laser Eye Surgery – never mind which clinic…
Do Laser Eye Surgery Results Correlate With Costs?
Consumers find it difficult to make comparisons between laser eye surgery providers, as there is no consistent approach to pricing. Some providers have one all-inclusive price and others don’t package their services. This results in some cases is that prospective patients can be at best confused and at worst misled by laser eye surgery marketing practices. However, the key thing to note is that substantial quality differences DO exist across providers. Read more about the factors to compare when assessing pricing for laser eye surgery….
Could Laser Eye Surgery Be Better Value Than Contact Lenses?
Would you rather have an asset or a liability? When it comes to housing – the answer seems clear. When it comes to vision, however, many don’t see things as clearly. We help you compare laser eye surgery costs with the cost of wearing contact lenses, particularly taking into account actual lens costs, fitting, check ups and solution Read here to understand more of the long term costs comparison….