Is Laser Eye Surgery a More Eco-Friendly Approach to Vision Correction?

Is Laser Eye Surgery a More Eco-Friendly Approach to Vision Correction? There is no doubt that Laser Eye Surgery has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to increased accessibility and advancements in technology making more people suitable for treatment. But there is one factor that may be becoming more prominent in people’s minds: the environmental impact of other visual aids. Most of us are becoming ever-more conscious of our carbon footprint and our wider impact on the environment. We…

What are the Causes and Solutions to Dry Eyes?

Iphones, laptops, and colossal digital screens dominate our everyday lives forcing us to move away from paper products and focus on going digital. With the emergence of new technology over the past several years, one has to wonder will this affect vision and increase the prevalence of glasses. The real question is: Will the advance of more and more technological products have a negative effect on our vision?…

Choosing a Surgeon for Your Laser Eye Surgery

Choosing a Surgeon for Your Laser Eye Surgery When heading into the hospital for any type of surgery, you generally don’t have to give a second thought to who your surgeon will be. You can be sure that whoever carries out your procedure will be qualified and experienced enough for the job. That’s because when it comes to standard medical practice, there are strict rules and regulations in place to ensure that not just any regular Joe can decide to…

Does Laser Eye Surgery Hurt? [VIDEO]

There is no pain whatsoever because we use anesthetic and the anesthetic is in the form of a drop on the eye. Essentially you put one drop of anesthetic on to the surface of the eye and for the next 20 minutes there is no pain sensation whatsoever….

Can Cataract Surgery Cause Strabismus in Adults?

Can Cataract Surgery Cause Strabismus in Adults? It doesn’t matter how old you are, discovering you have cataracts can be scary and nerve-racking, – especially if you are already noticing problems with your vision. Furthermore, despite its routine nature, the prospect of undergoing Cataract Surgery can be a daunting one, particularly if you are unfamiliar with the procedure. It is recommended to learn as much as possible before heading into surgery because, as we all know, knowledge dispels fear. Aside…

Common Questions About Laser Eye Surgery for Presbyopia

Common Questions About Laser Eye Surgery for Presbyopia Despite the fact that Laser Corrective Surgery for presbyopia has now been around for almost 20 years (at London Vision Clinic, at least), many people are still unaware of its existence. For this reason, we regularly receive many questions from our patients about PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision. We decided to answer some of the more common questions below, to help you stay as informed as possible when considering your options for presbyopia….

The Curse of Ageing Eyes: What is Presbyopia?

The Curse of Ageing Eyes: What is Presbyopia? Throughout our lives, we have all probably noticed vision loss in other people. It may have first been apparent in your grandparents as they squinted at the menus at family gatherings, or later with your parents as they suddenly acquire reading glasses that they never needed before. Yet, many of us don’t give the effects of ageing on our eyes much thought until we begin to notice the changes ourselves. In the…