What is the Care Quality Commission and why is it important If you’re going to work with a business that offers health and social care services, you need to know about the Care Quality Commission (CQC). You could say it’s like to healthcare what TripAdvisor is to hotels, or the food hygiene rating is to early-morning kebabs. Without it, there would be no agreed standard of care that dentists, nursing homes, ambulances, clinics, and hospitals have to meet. Terrible, I know;…
Category: Information & Guides
Don’t like the tube or buses? Alternative ways to get to us
Don’t like the tube or buses? Alternative ways to get to us Clients come to us from every part of London, every county in England, every country in Europe, and every continent in the world. And when they arrive, whether by air or road, from Brighton or Bangladesh, it can be somewhat of a shock to the system. The expectation is for every street to be like Saville Row or King’s road; complete with immaculate period facades, custodian-helmet-adorning police officers, perfectly-lit sidewalks, and…
What’s it like working in and around Harley Street
What’s it like working in and around Harley Street For centuries, the closest most people got to Harley Street was knowing the name of an aristocrat, celebrity, or some other well-to-do person who’d allegedly received treatment there. Since the 19th century, the street has been known for providing world-class medical services to the mega-rich and ultra-elite classes. Florence Nightingale and Dr Edward Bach practised there, treating the likes of King George VI for his stammer and Stephen Hawking for motor neuron…
2018 is a great year to sort your vision out
2018 is a great year to sort your vision out 2018 will go down in history for many reasons. It’s the year Korea united under one flag at the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, the year Nelson Mandela would have turned 100, the centenary of the end of fighting in the First World War, and the first time in history the World Cup will be held in Russia. Oh, and not forgetting the year Elon Musk launched a sports car complete with…
Staring at Facebook for 4 hours a day might be bad for you
Staring at Facebook for 4 hours a day might be bad for you Facebook has taken a bit of a bashing recently. Several studies have come out showing the damaging effects it can have on everything from relationships and love life to stress and self-esteem. Even the people who helped build the thing are coming out and declaring it’s “ripping society apart” thanks to its purposely designed “feedback loops”. For a site that calls itself a ‘social network’ and that brought…
London’s mayor committed to reduce pollution, what that means for your eyesight
London’s Mayor committed to reducing pollution, what this means for your eyesight Think of cities with a serious pollution problem and you think of Delhi or Beijing — places known for their heavy smog clouds that sweep over and blanket whole neighbourhoods for days, weeks, or months on end. Somewhere that doesn’t immediately come to mind, however, with all its talk of protecting the environment and supporting green energy, is London. Yet surprisingly enough — at least for those that…
Contact lenses vs glasses: Which provides better vision?
Contact lenses vs glasses: Which provides better vision? If you’ve ever worn contacts and glasses, you’ve probably noticed your quality of vision differs between the two — particularly when transitioning from one after a long period of time wearing the other. The weird thing about this is that it can happen even if both are of the same prescription. Surely if they’re the same prescription and therefore the same strength lens and the same focusing power, then they should provide the same…
At the Forefront of Refractive Surgery
At the Forefront of Refractive Surgery The Forefront of Refractive Surgery presented by the London Vision Clinic focuses on the two most advanced and pioneering procedures in refractive surgery at the moment; SMILE and PRESBYOND (PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision). It is a three day course including lectures, practical workshops, group workshops, and a wet lab. In addition to this, London Vision Clinic are also publishing a book on SMILE (The Surgeon’s Guide to SMILE), which will be available in 2018…
Quick guide: Laser Eye Surgery and Alcohol
Laser Eye Surgery and Alcohol, a quick guide Pregnancy, surgery, breastfeeding, taking antibiotics, having dinner with the parents-in-law — all times in our life when we’re advised to stay away from the liquor cabinet. And also, uncoincidentally, the times in our lives when we could most do with a nice drink or two. Nine months with another person growing inside of you without even a tipple of wine? A week with an unbearable ear infection and no soothing nightcaps? A whole…
Asia Cornea Society
Asia Cornea Society Bali, July 2016, and it’s the first session of the 29th Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons annual meeting: the Combined Symposium of Cataract and Refractive Societies (CSCRS). The world’s leading eye experts from the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) and the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) convene for a mastermind meeting focused on eradicating the problem of ageing eyes. This year the aim of the CSCRS, which acts as “an…