Binning The Alice Band Of Glasses

Binning The Alice Band Of Glasses Returning to the scenario of sitting next to someone famous in the waiting room of the London Vision Clinic…. Should one put down one’s reading matter and offer to make them a cup of tea? Or would that appear too ingratiating for comfort? I would have to contend that, in this situation,  there can be no fixed agenda… it all depends on… well every thing from pre-op nerves to general feelings of sociability or…

If Life Gives You Lemons…

If Life Gives You Lemons… Ever since he was a little boy Paul Ryb has been the sort of person for whom the phrase: “If life gives you lemons you make lemonade”, does not go far enough. Despite, summing up the message of making the most of a bad situation, Paul’s personality urges a deeper and more analytical approach to the lemonade mix; leading to research – for example – not only into lemonade recipes, but also the history of…

Blind In Business

Blind In Business Unfortunately it is not only those poor people in Nepal and other Third World countries whose eye sight problems cannot yet be solved. Despite amazing medical advances, there are still many people in our midst who would cheerfully hand over their life savings or travel to the ends of the earth to undergo any pioneering form of treatment in order to prevent their blindness. They would opt for any sight enhancing surgery, choose lenses or glasses (however…

Meeting Paul

Meeting Paul Paul Ryb walked purposefully across the reception area of the RBS London head office towards me. As I watched him approach, navigating the hectic lobby and pre lunchtime queues of people forming either side of the high speed revolving doors, I thought: ‘This can’t be him’. “I know; I am not what you expected. Everyone is surprised when they meet me for the first time”. As he shakes my hand his attitude is warm and friendly, immediately dispelling…

Squinting Super-Models And Other Diner Table Chat

Squinting Super-Models And Other Diner Table Chat I can share with you that as well as the menu (which was somewhat unusual), holidays, and Alena and Ana Rita’s bag snatching adventure – there were a couple of sight related topics which I found fascinating at the London Vision Clinic team dinner. One took us back to the first primitive attempts at cataract surgery. It turned out that nurse Kim’s grand-mother had performed her own version of a cure on those…

The Last Straw

The Last Straw Sometimes there is a definitive “last straw” event that pushes us over an invisible line. A precise moment in time when we decide that enough is enough. Spaniards don’t have “last straws or camel’s backs”; instead their language refers to “last drops” as in “water that makes the glass overflow”.  However, whether a straw or una gota de agua , the point is the same. When I met up with London Vision Clinic patient, Jon Lee, at…

Through The Eye Of A Needle

Through The Eye Of A Needle Body language experts tell us that to cross our arms in front of our chests is a very defensive gesture as in: “Don’t come close to me – I am not allowing anyone into my space”. But, humour this blogger for a moment and do it. Now look down at your arms and note which one is on top and which hand is slightly exposed and which is snugly tucked away from view? When…

Holding Out For A Hero

Holding Out For A Hero It’s always feels especially satisfying to know that you are in good company; but, as with cosmetic surgery, it seems that many of the celebrities who undergo Laser Eye Surgery chose not to go public. We women –with our fragile egos and anti-aging complexes – are usually as reluctant to mention the need for unsexy reading glasses as problems with hot flushes (also known as “flashes” in the US) So we are not likely to…