Police Life

Better Vision, Better Performance Can Laser Eye Surgery help police professionals do their job better? “LASIK is extraordinarily safe in fully trained hands, but even average surgeons can still get it right 90 per cent of the time. Just like in any profession, the few bad apples can give the profession a bad name.” -Professor Dan Reinstein. After Laser Eye Surgery, Tiger Woods, arguably the world’s best golfer, effortlessly won the Pebble Beach PGA tournament in February, 2000, in California….

Less Than Six Degrees Of Separation

I have long believed in the “Six degrees of separation” theory, sometimes referred to as the “Human Web”. It refers to the idea that everyone is at most six steps away from any other person in the world……

The Amazon Connection

While mentioning the iconic glasses jar on the reception desk at the London Vision Clinic: who would have thought that this jar of redundant specs would link two strangers from different countries… while travelling up the Amazon in Peru……

The Soft Toy Option

A few days after meeting identical twins Margaret Winstanley and Kath Hooley, (who were at the London Vision Clinic for their one month post- operative check up), I found myself in another laser eye surgery clinic – 6,000 miles away – in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles……

Seeing Double

Before I met London Vision Clinic patients Margaret Winstanley and Kath Hooley – I thought that it was only the Queen who spoke in terms of “we” as opposed to “me” or “I”……