11 Eye Tests You Should Know if You’re Considering Laser Eye Surgery If you’re considering Laser Eye Surgery for the correction of your refractive error, you may well be wondering what happens during your pre-operative screening appointment. More specifically, you may be curious about the level of testing that will be required to determine your eligibility and allow us to create your personalised treatment plan. At London Vision Clinic, we strongly believe in the importance of transparency and education in…
Category: knowledge dispels fear
Do Laser Eye Surgery Results Correlate with Technology?
The technique the preceded LASIK was first made possible around the 1950’s, since then the laser technology and procedural developments have been great and the success rates are continuously improving. This begs the question: do laser eye surgery results correlate with the laser eye surgery technology?…
Why Choose An Independent Laser Eye Surgery Clinic?
Why Choose an Independent Laser Eye Surgery Clinic? Striving to be the best Making the decision to go ahead with Laser Eye Surgery can be a long and difficult process – after all, there are a lot of things to consider. Perhaps the most important of these considerations, though, is choosing the right clinic for your treatment. Do you opt for convenience and cost-saving at a high-street clinic or are the numerous benefits offered at independent clinics more important? The…
Top Tips for Looking After Your Eyes in the Sun
Top Tips for Looking After Your Eyes in the Sun We all know that we should never look directly at the sun – it was drilled into us throughout our childhood and many of us have likely repeated the lesson to our own children. But do you know who didn’t get the memo? The great polymath astronomer, Galileo. The story goes that one day, while Galileo was minding his own business surveying the endless wonder of the universe, he happened…
The Most Common Laser Eye Surgery Fears, Explained
There are several reasons why patients refrain from undergoing laser eye surgery, many of which are either myths or can be dispelled if the right surgeon and clinic is chosen. Regardless, these fears still exist and I would like to address some of the major ones….
A Light Bulb Moment – How Does Light Affect Our Vision?
Have you ever tried to buy a replacement light bulb without bringing the old one along in your pocket? The choice is quite baffling and the possibilities endlessly confusing – you almost need a degree in physics to make head or tail of it……
Some Facts and Myths about Laser Eye Surgery According to Prof. Reinstein
Under the grabbing headline “Will a sneeze wreck my laser eye surgery?” Dr Dan lays out some facts and the myths surrounding the procedure in the health pages of a major Sunday newspaper……
Does Laser Eye Surgery Hurt? [VIDEO]
There is no pain whatsoever because we use anesthetic and the anesthetic is in the form of a drop on the eye. Essentially you put one drop of anesthetic on to the surface of the eye and for the next 20 minutes there is no pain sensation whatsoever….
Can Cataract Surgery Cause Strabismus in Adults?
Can Cataract Surgery Cause Strabismus in Adults? It doesn’t matter how old you are, discovering you have cataracts can be scary and nerve-racking, – especially if you are already noticing problems with your vision. Furthermore, despite its routine nature, the prospect of undergoing Cataract Surgery can be a daunting one, particularly if you are unfamiliar with the procedure. It is recommended to learn as much as possible before heading into surgery because, as we all know, knowledge dispels fear. Aside…
The Curse of Ageing Eyes: What is Presbyopia?
The Curse of Ageing Eyes: What is Presbyopia? Throughout our lives, we have all probably noticed vision loss in other people. It may have first been apparent in your grandparents as they squinted at the menus at family gatherings, or later with your parents as they suddenly acquire reading glasses that they never needed before. Yet, many of us don’t give the effects of ageing on our eyes much thought until we begin to notice the changes ourselves. In the…