Common Questions About Laser Eye Surgery and Cataracts

Common Questions About Laser Eye Surgery and Cataracts

London Vision Clinic may be best known for our outstanding Laser Eye Surgery treatments, but we also offer a range of other refractive treatments, including Cataract Surgery. As one of the leading refractive surgery clinics in the UK, we receive many questions and queries regarding vision and treatments. So, with that in mind, we’re answering some of the most common questions concerning Laser Eye Surgery and Cataracts.

What are Cataracts?

Cataracts are a common eye condition that develops as we get older. They are considered a natural part of the body’s ageing process – over half of people over 80 in the UK have cataracts. However, they can also develop in younger people and, in rare cases, children and infants.

But what exactly are cataracts?

The natural lens in our eyes is made up of mostly water and protein. In healthy lenses, these two substances are carefully balanced, making for a strong and clear lens that allows light to be easily directed into the eye.

As we age, this balance becomes disrupted, partly due to our health and the environment. This causes the proteins in our lenses to gradually break down and coalesce. Over time, this leads to the formation of a cloudy obstruction in the lensa cataract.

It can take years for cataracts to become noticeable; however, they can eventually lead to significant losses in vision quality. In the early stages of cataracts, new glasses or contact lens prescriptions may be sufficient to maintain your visual acuity. As the cataract worsens, it can cause significant disruption to your vision and even eventual blindness. Surgery will eventually be required to remove the cataract.

Can Laser Eye Surgery treat cataracts?

Laser Eye Surgery is an innovative treatment designed to treat a wide range of refractive errors, including hyperopia (long-sightedness), myopia (short-sightedness), astigmatism, and presbyopia.

Laser Eye Surgery works by using high-precision lasers to remove corneal tissue, effectively reshaping the cornea. This adjusts the way light is directed into the eye, allowing it to be focused more effectively on the retina, so correcting any refractive error. However, Laser Eye Surgery cannot correct any visual acuity lost due to cataracts.

The only effective solution for cataracts is Cataract Surgery. This involves removing the cataract-affected lens and replacing it with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL).

Will Laser Eye Surgery increase my risk of developing cataracts?

Laser Eye Surgery is not known to either increase or decrease your risk of developing cataracts. As our expert Laser Eye Surgeon, Mr Glen Carp, explains in the video below, Laser Eye Surgery cannot change the course of nature regarding the eyes’ ageing process.

Changes made to the eye during the Laser Eye Surgery procedure are permanent; however, this does not prevent changes from occurring after the treatment. Changes to the shape of the eye and the transparency of the lens will not be deterred or hastened by Laser Eye Surgery treatment.

Can I have Laser Eye Surgery if I have cataracts?

Several factors can affect your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery. In some instances, this can include cataracts. Patients with very early-stage cataracts may still be eligible for Laser Eye Surgery treatment; however, this is not always the case.

Cataracts can also be associated with underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, which may also affect your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery. However, suitability for treatment is determined on a case-by-case basis through a rigorous screening process. This helps us to ensure the safest treatment with the most optimum visual outcomes for our patients.

Can I have Cataract Surgery if I have had Laser Eye Surgery?

As mentioned above, Laser Eye Surgery cannot treat or prevent the development of cataracts. Therefore, you may find you develop cataracts after having Laser Eye Surgery.

The good news is that your Laser Eye Surgery treatment will not affect your suitability for Cataract Surgery. Your surgeon will assess your complete ocular history and determine the best course to achieve the best possible outcome for your Cataract Surgery.

Can I have Cataract Surgery at London Vision Clinic?

While London Vision Clinic specialises in Laser Eye surgery, we have an expert team of surgeons, ophthalmologists, and clinic coordinators with experience in a wide range of treatments, including Cataract surgery.

Each of our cataract surgeons has been hand-selected for their expertise and determination to go the extra mils for our patients. Find out more about the London Vision Clinic Cataract Surgery team.

If you have any further questions about Laser Eye Surgery and Cataracts (or anything at all), one of our friendly clinic coordinators is always on hand to help. Alternatively, Book a Consultation, today.