Laser Eye Surgery News

Laser Eye Surgery: Results in the Long-Term

The modern laser technique has been used for the last 20 years, first developed by Barraquer in 1950’s, and today more than 17 million people have undergone the laser eye surgery procedure worldwide. Scientific researchers, who track LASIK complications, believe there are probably no significant negative long-term effects from laser surgery….

Driving at Night After Laser Eye Surgery

Driving at Night After Laser Eye Surgery Driving at night can be a less-than-fun experience for anyone, but if you’re one of the unfortunate many who rely on glasses or contact lenses, it can be particularly stressful. Forgetting your glasses is, most likely, simply not an option and those who usually wear monovision or multifocal lenses may find that they need to switch to a pair of driving glasses to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. In some cases, this…

Essential Advice to Maintain Your Eye Health

Essential Advice on Eye Health

Last year, National Eye Health Week reminded us all of the importance of regular eye tests. It’s recommended we have our eyes examined at least every two years, not only to ensure they’re healthy, but also to check for changes to our current prescriptions….

Understanding Your Eyes: What they say about your health

Understanding Your Eyes: What they say about your health As the windows through which we see the world – whether it be to admire beautiful landscapes, binge-watch the latest must-see TV show, or read articles like this one – our eyes are incredibly powerful and sophisticated. With more than 2 million working parts, our eyes are among the most complex structures on the planet. They allow us to convert light into a clear view of the world around us. But…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Low Blood Pressure?

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Low Blood Pressure? In recent years, continued development in the Laser Eye Surgery field has meant that more people than ever before are now eligible for this life-changing treatment. Unfortunately, there remain some cases in which Laser Eye Surgery won’t be an option. But will having low blood pressure affect your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery? Let’s find out! What is Low Blood Pressure? Low blood pressure – also known as…