For a mascot to be a hit, it is not enough for it to merely have an appealing design.
Even if that design converts into a cute and cuddly toy and other essential merchandising, this alone is not sufficient to ensure success……
For a mascot to be a hit, it is not enough for it to merely have an appealing design.
Even if that design converts into a cute and cuddly toy and other essential merchandising, this alone is not sufficient to ensure success……
It was the launch of the one-eyed mascots on May 19th that did it!……
Serendipity could be defined as a “happy co-incidence” or “the discovery by accident of something fortuitous”……
Perhaps, like me, you found it fascinating to learn about the London Vision Clinic’s ongoing contributions to research into all aspects of laser eye surgery……
A few days after meeting identical twins Margaret Winstanley and Kath Hooley, (who were at the London Vision Clinic for their one month post- operative check up), I found myself in another laser eye surgery clinic – 6,000 miles away – in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles……
After an initial “You what?” gasp of surprise, Kath listened as her sister explained her decision……
Before I met London Vision Clinic patients Margaret Winstanley and Kath Hooley – I thought that it was only the Queen who spoke in terms of “we” as opposed to “me” or “I”……
Meanwhile, back on the South African veld, where all this new technology is of little comfort to the grazing antelopes scanning the horizon and being eyed up by a hungry lion for his dinner……
Normally we watch any on-screen entertainment in flat two dimensional images. When special stereoscopic cameras are used……
Glenn Carp, was born and brought up in South Africa so it is hardly surprising that he should use examples of wildlife to explain the concept of binocular vision, depth of perception (or stereoacuities) and……