Laser Eye Surgery News

Laser Eye Surgery: Man Loses 28″ From His Waistline

Laser Eye Surgery: Man Loses 28″ From His Waistline This article is accredited to Hugh Wilson and originally appeared on MSN News. It can be found here. A British man has achieved massive weight loss. Not after stomach stapling or cellulite removal, but after an operation – on his eyes. Michael McCarthy, 30, a film and TV illustrator from Essex, slimmed down from a size 60 waist to a size 32. When Michael McCarthy posted an old photo of himself on Facebook,…

Vimal Piparia

Vimal Has Been Working As An Optometrist Now For Fifteen Years Vimal has been working as an optometrist for fifteen years and has been involved in refractive care, research and training during that period. He joined London Vision Clinic in 2009, after spending two years in Melbourne, working for the Australian College of Optometry, and is looking forward to rediscovering London once more. Vimal has been fortunate enough to have travelled extensively whilst combining a great passion for food. He…

Emma Brandon

Passionately Perfectionist With A Patient’s Perspective Emma is not only an experienced and highly skilled optometrist; she has also been a patient at the London Vision Clinic. In typical optometrist fashion, she can reel off her exact prescription before Laser Vision Correction: OD – 6.00/-3.00 X 10; OS – 6.50/ -3.00 X 180. In short, around -9 dioptres, or very short-sighted. Emma even recalls the date of her surgery: 8 August 2006. It’s a date she says she’ll never forget….

Desiree Todd

Combining Knowledge And Understanding From A Patient’s Perspective Desiree Todd joined the team at the London Vision Clinic in late 2008, having previously worked in both research and at a Laser Eye Surgery chain. When asked about her reasons for choosing to work at the London Vision Clinic over other Laser Eye Surgery providers, Desiree said, “I chose to work at the London Vision Clinic as to me it offers the epitome of what laser surgery is all about: advanced…

Connie McEvoy

Connie Qualified As An Optometrist In Manchester In 1992 Originally from Co.Tyrone in Northern Ireland, Connie qualified as an optometrist in Manchester in 1992. By the late 1990s she was aware of the huge part that laser procedures were going to play in sight correction and was keen to get involved. She moved to London from Manchester in 2000 and worked for several years with a Laser Eye Surgery chain and then an independent laser provider. Since joining London Vision…

Brendan Duane

Blending Comprehensive Experience With Care And Consideration Although a native of Melbourne, Australia, Brendan has been a successful London optometrist for over 14 years, and part of the London Vision Clinic team since 2004. A keen cricket fan, Brendan isn’t afraid to admit his delight that Australia has regained the precious Ashes. Away from the crease, he enjoys photography and travels widely. His most recent expeditions have been to remarkably diverse destinations: the high African desert of Ethiopia, the exclusive…

Better Sight For Sore Eyes With Laser Eye Surgery

Better Sight For Sore Eyes With Laser Eye Surgery After squirting a few drops of anaesthetic into a young investment banker’s eye, the surgeon hooks a metal speculum beneath the upper and lower lids to open it wide. He then warns his patient: “Here’s the uncomfortable bit,” as he presses a metal ring firmly on to the eye to immobilise it. This transforms the white of the eye instantly into a bloodshot mess. The surgeon, Dan Reinstein, slots a metal blade, called a keratome,…

Spring Season Fruits and Vegetables for a Healthier You

Spring Season Fruits And Vegetables For A Healthier You The sun is out and it seems as though spring has finally arrived. This season is a wonderful period to take advantage of the renewal and transformation vibe it brings. It is one of the best times to revitalize your well-being and rejuvenate your health. Likewise, it is a good time to go on a healthy diet and enjoy the season’s fruits and vegetables. To keep your menu unique and your…