Laser Eye Surgery News

A New Reality with Man in the High Castle Writer Rob Williams

A New Reality with Man in the High Castle Writer Rob Williams Rob Williams is somewhat of an expert in alternate realities. The acclaimed screenwriter is one of the bright minds behind the first season of ‘Man in the High Castle’ — the hit Amazon drama loosely based on Philip K. Dick’s novel of the same name. In writing for the show, Rob helped piece together a reality in which Nazi Germany and Japan won WWII and took over the USA,…

The road to better vision…

The road to better vision… As a full-time athlete within the British Para-Cycling Team, Karen Darke, MBE FRSGS, has devoted her life to training, competing and pushing herself to her limits. Embarking on adventures from covering the 372-mile ice cap in Greenland whilst sitting on skis and using her poles traverse the ground, to climbing Mont Blanc, Matterhorn and El Capitan, she doesn’t let anything stop her. In 2012, she became a silver-medallist in the London Paralympics, and in 2016…

Sitting Down With… Dan Reinstein Medical Director, London Vision Clinic, London, UK.

Sitting Down With… Dan Reinstein Medical Director, London Vision Clinic, London, UK.   Why medicine? Being a doctor puts you in the extremely unique and privileged position to attend important moments in people’s lives – delivering a baby, being present when someone is told they have a fatal diagnosis, witnessing severe psychotic behaviour, or performing surgery. My career choice came down to choosing a specialty where I’d be using my academic strengths in math and physics, alongside my human strength…

Here’s to the readers, the adventurers, the young-at-hearters

Here’s to the readers, the adventurers, the young-at-hearters If Dylan Thomas’s 1947 poem, “Do not go gentle into that good night”, could be summed up in one line, it would be: “Old age should burn and rave at close of day”. But it can’t be. Although short and concise as it is, Thomas crafted every single word to try and convey the full power of his feelings on a very personal matter, his father’s imminent death, and get across exactly why…

We gotta love 1,000 independent reviews

We gotta love 1,000 independent reviews For a private clinic, we’ve had our fair share of recognition and notoriety over the years. We’ve been featured in national newspapers and appeared as experts on international TV, we’ve treated celebs like Phillip Schofield, Bonnie Tyler, and Dr. Pixie Mckenna, and we’re regularly considered by independent organisations as one of the best Laser Eye Surgery clinics in the world. We don’t say this to boast. The fact is, although all this praise and…

What’s the best view in London?

What’s the best view in London? Even if you live in London, you can go weeks or months without really seeing it. Your eyes can see to a level of quality and detail that’s equivalent a 576-megapixel camera. But when caught up in the mix of all the hustle and bustle, all that power can be dedicated solely to navigating tourists and dodging traffic. Not to mention chuggers and cyclists. And even if you’re just visiting for the weekend, your…

8 Things you should definitely not do whilst wearing specs

8 Things you should definitely not do whilst wearing specs When you first become a glasses wearer, you’re blissfully unaware that as well as signing up to rent your vision, you’re also signing away the right to do many things that were once simple and pleasurable. Your optometrist doesn’t tell you this, and it’s not like it’s all laid out somewhere in the small print. They’re simply something you have to discover and suffer through yourself. Commiserations if you recognise…

Laser Eye Surgery really is transformational

Laser eye surgery really is transformational When you hear that Laser Eye Surgery is performed over fifteen thousands times every year in just the UK, it’s difficult to really get a sense of what that means. That’s thousands of people’s who’ve had their lives transformed in pretty much an instant. Young and old people, mothers and daughters, charity workers and CEOs; they all suffered in one form or another from poor vision, and Laser Eye Surgery was able to help them…

If he was alive today, would John Lennon have had Laser Eye Surgery?

If he was alive today, would John Lennon have had Laser Eye Surgery? What do Mahatma Gandhi, Buddy Holley, Sarah Palin, and John Lennon all have in common? They didn’t all lead India to freedom in their underwear. But they did have a significant impact on fashion, whether intentionally or unintentionally, thanks to their distinctive eyewear. Gandhi and his round metal-rimmed spectacles (and robes) caused him to have nearly as many style copycats as he had religious followers. Holly and his…

How To Avoid Developing Dry Eyes During The Winter Months

Dry eye is a condition caused when your eyes produce an insufficient amount of tears and aren’t as well lubricated as they should be. Although this could be due to a number of complex reasons including Diabetes, Sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis or Parkinson’s, it is often caused by more common conditions such as being exposed to the cold weather during the winter months. …