Would you try Laser Eye Surgery? [VIDEO] There are countless things that would all jump at the chance of doing were we given the opportunity. From visiting Machu Picchu or the Taj Mahal to swimming with dolphins or even skydiving. But what about Laser Eye Surgery? We confess. It isn’t the most glamorous bucket list item but, just think: none of the other once-in-a-lifetime experiences we have mentioned would be half as good with blurry vision. So, we ask again:…
Laser Eye Surgery News
Youtuber and Fashion Blogger Sophie Milner has ReLEx SMILE [VIDEO]
Youtuber and Fashion Blogger Sophie Milner has ReLEx SMILE Sophie Milner has become well-known in the fashion blogging world for her empowering – and often cut-throat- commentary. Her online blog covers everything from fashion, beauty and skincare to relationships and travel – but that’s not all Sophie has been up to over the last few years. She has also become known for her YouTube channel, where she shares all manner of experiences, including product reviews, fashion hauls – and her…
The Latest Advances in Laser Eye Surgery [VIDEO]
The Latest Advances in Laser Eye Surgery To the uninitiated, the idea of lying under a machine that is about to use lasers to permanently remove tissue from your eye can easily be mistaken for a torture scene from a poorly received sci-fi movie. But what if we told you that this is a procedure that is carried out every single day, all around the world? And those invisible lasers are helping to give people permanently clear vision – all…
Sky Diver Jakob Anguiers has ReLEx SMILE [VIDEO]
Sky Diver Jakob Anguiers has ReLEx SMILE Back in 2017, Jakob Anguiers, skydiver and amateur Youtuber, found himself jumping out of an aeroplane and hurtling to the ground at a speed of around 125mph. While this in itself might sound incredible to most of us, it was actually pretty routine for Jakob. But, this time there was one difference: this was the first time he had jumped without contact lenses. You see, just one week before Jakob embarked on this…
Using LASEK / PRK Eye Surgery to Treat Your Refractive Error [VIDEO]
Using LASEK/PRK Eye Surgery to Treat Your Refractive Error If you have done any research at all into Laser Eye Surgery, you will probably have noticed that the profession is not averse to an abbreviation or two. Well, that’s kind of an understatement: between LASEK/PRK, LASIK, ReLEx SMILE – the truth is, you can’t get more than two minutes into your research without coming across at least one. While these abbreviations are obviously designed to replace complicated words that the…
Laser Eye Surgery Explained: As Seen on TED [VIDEO]
Laser Eye Surgery Explained: As Seen on TED Laser Eye Surgery is undeniably a modern medical procedure that involves high-spec technology and tools; however, you might be surprised to learn that the procedure as we know it today actually roots back to 1948 when Spanish ophthalmologist JosĂ© Ignacio Barraquer Moner resolved to find a better alternative to external visual aids. Barraquer Moner believed that he could solve visual errors within the eye itself, allowing those with blurry vision to ditch…
Can Laser Eye Surgery Treat Strabismus and Squints? [VIDEO]
Strabismus or squints cannot be treated with laser eye surgery, as this is surgery that is required on the muscles around the eye. Laser eye surgery should have no bearing on a strabismus or a squint. It should not make the squint worse, it should not make it better. Occasionally, there may be a small residual refractive error after laser eye surgery, which may enhance the appearance of the squint but of course this can be managed either with further enhancement laser eye surgery or muscle surgery around the eye itself….
I Have Astigmatism, Can I Still Have Laser Eye Surgery? [VIDEO]
I Have Astigmatism, Can I Still Have Laser Eye Surgery? When many people think of Laser Eye Surgery, they may think of it as only a solution to Myopia (short-sightedness) and Hyperopia (long-sightedness). But the truth is, these treatments can address many more refractive errors – including astigmatism. Here at London Vision Clinic, our expert surgeons have been using Laser Eye Surgery to treat astigmatism for years. Before we get into how Laser Eye Surgery works to correct astigmatism, let’s…
George Chesterton of GQ Magazine has PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision [VIDEO]
George Chesterton of GQ Magazine has PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision If you are going to be an Editor of one of the world’s biggest magazine publications, there are a few things you should consider… You have to be a critic who has an eye for detail as well as a vision for the bigger picture. You need to balance impartiality with fearlessness in voicing your opinion. But, perhaps more important than all that, you have to be tough. Having been…
How To Choose A Laser Eye Surgery Clinic [VIDEO]
How To Choose A Laser Eye Surgery Clinic Making the decision to have Laser Eye Surgery can be a daunting one – no matter how safe and effective the treatment is. When it comes to our eyes, you understandably want to be as informed as possible about the procedure – not least to answer just some of the countless questions whirling around your head: “Which clinic is the best?”; “How much will it cost?”; “Which treatment is right for me?”…