Laser eye surgery is performed using topical anaesthetic. There is no need for a general anaesthetic as the topical drops themselves are sufficient to basically completely anaesthetize the cornea and that is the area where all the treatment is being done. On top of that the patient actually needs to be awake, they need to be alert so that they can respond to the surgeon’s commands and in a sense look in the right direction toward certain target points which will facilitate their treatment and make it more reliable….
Laser Eye Surgery News
What are the Most Common Problems After Cataract Surgery?
What are the Most Common Problems After Cataract Surgery? As we get older, the likelihood of developing cataracts continuously rises, affecting not only our vision but also our quality of life. Thankfully, Cataract Surgery is a simple and effective solution that can restore your vision to its former glory. But what about the risk of complications? What are the most common problems after Cataract Surgery? Cataract Surgery has become the most commonly performed surgery in the world, with an estimated…
The Cost of Contact Lenses – Are There Any Risks?
The Cost of Contact Lenses – Are There Any Risks? The mass commercial success of the humble contact lens took off in the 1960s and 70s following around a century of increasingly viable iterations. They were celebrated for their effectiveness, discretion, and ability to all but replace traditional glasses – qualities that still contribute to their popularity today. But are there any risks to wearing contact lenses? The most popular type of contact lenses today are soft lenses made from…
Can Laser Eye Surgery Treat Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)? [VIDEO]
What is Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) – and can Laser Eye Surgery help? Amblyopia – more commonly known as ‘lazy eye’ – is a disorder in which vision in one eye is not fully developed. It can co-occur with refractive errors such as short-sightedness, long-sightedness, and astigmatism. If you have amblyopia and have been considering refractive treatment to correct your prescription, you may wonder: Can Laser Eye Surgery help? Amblyopia is estimated to affect around between 1% and 5% of the…
Can My Vision Return To Its Original Level After Laser Eye Surgery? [VIDEO]
Vision is likely to return to what patients could see through their best pair of glasses after laser eye surgery. Many people ask if their vision can return to what it was before wearing glasses. This is extremely rare as it would mean that vision would have to regress all the way back to its starting point. …
Laser Eye Surgery Costs: Factors That Create Confusion
We’ve noticed that one of the most popular pages on our website is about laser eye surgery costs. So, we’ve decided to conduct a comparison of fees that range across the laser eye service providers to provide some context about this subject. Understand some of the specific factors that create confusion in laser eye surgery pricing across clinics….
Laser Eye Surgery: The Results Beyond the Numbers
In recent years, the choice of binning the specs seems a far more attractive notion, with the increase of successful statistical results reported and development of the laser technology, it is not surprising that thousands of people in the UK choose laser eye surgery year after year. Although these numbers are convincing, thousands of people choose to have laser eye surgery for benefits that have little to do with laser eye surgery statistics….
Laser Eye Surgery: How the Process Works at London Vision Clinic
In this video laser eye surgeon Mr Glenn Carp, explains the laser eye surgery process at the London Vision Clinic….
Laser Eye Surgery Treatments: What is PRK? [VIDEO]
PRK or photo-refractive keratectomy was the first vision correction procedure to use excimer lasers and grew out of the pioneering scalpel-based refractive surgery. The procedure is most suited to patients with unusually thin or flat corneas….
Glenn Carp Explains the Fundamental Principles in Laser Eye Surgery [video]
Surgeon Glenn Carp explains the two main laser eye surgery areas, PRK (LASEK) and LASIK. Both treatments are available at the London Vision Clinic, offering the same results. However, some patients may need to consider having PRK / LASEK… Mr Carp explains why……