Cheap Reading Glasses: A Help or Hindrance? We can all be forgiven for ignoring our inevitable reliance on reading glasses – particularly those lucky enough to have never needed glasses or contact lenses before. After all, your vision has been perfect your whole life – why would you worry? But then, you start to notice a difference. Perhaps you caught yourself squinting when reading a receipt or newspaper, or maybe you’ve started getting headaches when working at your computer. Whatever…
Laser Eye Surgery News
Understanding Your Vision: A Closer Look at Your Prescription
Understanding Your Vision: A Closer Look at Your Prescription If you’re new to the idea of wearing glasses, or if your prescription has changed recently, you might be left feeling a little confused about what all those measurements really mean. Even if you have been wearing glasses or contact lenses for years, you might have been satisfied with simply knowing whether you are short-sighted, long-sighted, or astigmatic. After all, all the detailed numbers and symbols aren’t really for you, right?…
Vision Myths: Are Glasses Bad for Your Eyes?
Are Glasses Bad for Your Eyes? The concept of glasses has been around for hundreds of years. Having gone through many iterations in that time – such as handheld lenses and monocles – it is only in the last hundred years or so that glasses as we know them today have become the norm. Yet, the speed with which glasses have taken on endless styles, colours, and prescriptions is extremely impressive. Since new methods and materials made it possible to…
Concerned About Laser Eye Surgery? Don’t Be!
Concerned About Laser Eye Surgery? Don’t Be! Despite being the most commonly performed elective procedure in the world (and one of the safest!), many misconceptions about Laser Eye Surgery remain. Among the most common of these is that there is a high risk of serious side effects. Understandably, this can leave many prospective patients concerned about the procedure – even those who have opted to go ahead with treatment! So, we want to set the record straight. If you’re concerned…
What Does Freedom From Glasses Really Mean?
What Does Freedom From Glasses Really Mean? For those who have worn glasses for most of their lives, it can be difficult to imagine just what freedom from the frames is really like. You’ve become used to scrambling around the bedside table every morning looking for your specs. Or showering in blurriness as you prepare to start your day. Maybe living a glasses-free life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Then again, it would be nice to prepare a…
Say Goodbye to “Jam Jar” Specs with Laser Eye Surgery
Laser Eye Surgery Let Me Throw Away My Jam-Jar Specs Every year, over 100,000 people in the UK alone discover the benefits of Laser Eye Surgery. Moreover, thanks to ongoing developments in the field, more people than ever have been suitable candidates for this life-changing procedure – even patients with high-prescription, “jam-jar” glasses. A Serious Interference in Everyday Life For individuals who require high-prescription glasses to see clearly, a whole lot of everyday activities can seem impossible. Take sports, for…
Lost Glasses and Steamed Up Lenses: Time to Get Rid!
It happens to the best of us. You need your reading glasses but when you go to grab them from your bag, or you desk, or your head, they’re no longer there! You’ve left them somewhere… Again! (Queue frustration and mild self-loathing.)
Here’s our list of the top-ten most common places to misplace your specs:…
Will My Vision Fluctuate After Laser Eye Surgery?
Will My Vision Fluctuate After Laser Eye Surgery? Laser Eye Surgery is one of the world’s safest and most commonly performed procedures. Tens of millions of people are now enjoying the results of their laser-corrected vision. In fact, in the UK alone, an estimated 15,000 people have Laser Eye Surgery every year! Compared with other surgical procedures, Laser Eye Surgery is minimally invasive, has fast recovery times, and requires little time in the clinic. But that isn’t to say there…
What Post-Operative Care Should I Expect After Laser Eye Surgery?
What Post-Operative Care Should I Expect After Laser Eye Surgery? There are a lot of factors to consider when 1) deciding to go ahead with Laser Eye Surgery, and 2) finding the right clinic. You will likely have considered the cost of treatment, the location of the clinic, and even the experience of the surgeon, but what about the level of post-operative aftercare? In past surveys of prospective London Vision Clinic clients, we have found that post-operative care is, in…
What to Expect Before, During, and After PRK
PRK is an alternative to the more common form of corrective eye surgery, LASIK. The recovery rate of PRK is 80% and the procedure is more invasive, so this form of surgery will not be elected by a surgeon without some medical reason….