
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is – Surgeons who have had Laser Eye Surgery

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is - Surgeons who have had Laser Eye Surgery If you've been considering Laser…

From London, SA to London, UK – Why it’s hard to leave London Vision Clinic

From London, SA to London, UK - Why it’s hard to leave London Vision Clinic Twenty years ago, our expert…

Laser Eye Surgery Technology: What is Eye Tracking? [VIDEO]

Eye tracking is what it says. I mean basically we have incorporated technology which is probably military derived where we…

The Impatient Patient – Waiting Lists for Laser Eye Surgery

The Impatient Patient - Is there a waiting list for Laser Eye Surgery? Many people will spend years considering the…

Lens Types: What are Varifocals?

Lens Types: What are Varifocals? If you've spent most of your life living with a refractive error, you have probably…

Lens Types: What are Bifocals?

Lens Types: What are Bifocals? So, you've worn glasses or contact lenses to correct your refractive error for years, but…

Laser Eye Surgery: Say Goodbye to Life with Contact Lenses

Say Goodbye to Life with Contact Lenses When contact lenses were popularised in the 1950s and 60s, they were seen…

Pillow Talk – Getting to Sleep After Laser Eye Surgery

Getting to Sleep After Laser Eye Surgery In recent years, Laser Eye Surgery has grown to become one of the…

Is it Time to Have Laser Eye Surgery? Why Wait?

Is it Time to Have Laser Eye Surgery? Why Wait? Most people with refractive errors such as short-sightedness, long-sightedness, and…

Harley Street: The Home to London Vision Clinic (and Medical History)

Harley Street: The Home to London Vision Clinic (and Medical History) Walking down Harley Street today, you will find yourself…