Do you need bifocals?
Escaping bifocals
Using laser surgery, we can adjust each eye in different ways, increasing the depth-of-field of each eye to allow for both near and distant vision. For most patients, this means they can throw away those infuriating bifocals or varifocals.
Of course, not everyone is suitable for laser eye surgery. Our Patient Care Coordinators will assess your suitability and guide you through the procedures available to you. Contact us by completing our online form and one of them will call you to book an initial, no-obligation assessment.
Why you need bifocals
At this stage of life, the lens of your eye begins to stiffen, while the muscles that shift your focus between near and far become weaker. This is called presbyopia and the classic sign is when you begin to hold books or newspapers further and further away, until your arm isn’t long enough for you to focus. This is the dreaded moment you find yourself considering bifocals. So many people wear bifocal contact lenses and reading glasses and unfortunately, you’ll find that most laser eye surgery clinics reject patients over 40.
It is for this reason that so many patients are thrilled to find that the London Vision Clinic has pioneered a new laser technique called PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision, which counters presbyopia.
We treat various eye conditions at the london Vision Clinic. Browse the following list of common eye problems for more information on how we can treat them:
Find out more about the London Vision Clinic in order to make your final decision on why you should trust us with your laser eye surgery needs.