A Peaceful New Year From The London Vision Clinic – The United Nations Of Eye Care

A Peaceful New Year From The London Vision Clinic – The United Nations Of Eye Care

As another new year begins, many of us turn our thoughts to peace and harmony. Greetings cards show images of doves with olive twigs in their beaks; and others carry designs showing multi-coloured, smiling children holding hands.

Inside are words like: “Wishing you a peaceful New Year” or similar slogans all with the same desire. Midnight champagne glasses are raised as we drink to ‘world peace’ usually followed by its close companions: ‘health and prosperity’.

Wherever we are from, whatever our background or culture, we have these New Year wishes in common for our loved ones, our country and indeed the whole world.

Snowy runways, ash clouds, labour disputes, endless queues and security checks aside, the world is getting smaller and global travel easier and more accessible for most of us.

However, even in a famously ethnically diverse city like London, surely the international nature of the London Vision Clinic team has to break some sort of record.

During my last check up, in reception, I was greeted by the wonderful Clinic Coordinators. My eye tests were carried out by the team of expert nurses, and I then had a consultation with optometrist Vimal Piparia who –despite being British – moved from Melbourne to the UK to take up his job with the London Vision Clinic 17 months ago.

On the stairs, I exchanged a few words in Spanish with a surgeon and waved a ‘Happy New Year’ to fellow surgeon, South African, Glenn Carp.

A mental picture of the world popped into my head followed by some swift mental arithmetic calculations. I counted members of the London Vision Clinic team from twenty plus different countries – each and every continent is represented in the united nations of eye care at 138 Harley Street.

It clearly shows that the London Vision Clinic is the best in the world. How could it not be? It comprises the most talented and conscientious specialists in all aspects of eye care and clinic administration from all over the globe.

Wherever we are from, wishing us all a peaceful, healthy and prosperous 2011.

Categories: Harley St London