How Air Pollution Affects Our Eyes – And What is Being Done
When most people think of air pollution, they might imagine thick smog clouds hanging in the air, perhaps ejected by tall chimneys in the distance. But air pollution isn’t restricted to such visible examples. In fact, pollution is often invisible—but just because we can’t see it, that doesn’t mean it isn’t harming us and our eyes.
Take London, for example. The capital of England is home to around 8.9 million people and welcomes a staggering 30 million tourists every year. Many are attracted by its mix of theatres, museums, and open green spaces, from Hyde Park to Hampstead Heath, but few consider the levels of air pollution hanging over the city.
Yet, surprisingly enough, for a brief period in 2017, air pollution in London peaked at a level higher than in Beijing. Moreover, the city’s pollutants regularly surpass UK limits, contributing to the premature deaths of an estimated 9,500 Londoners each year.
But of course, it isn’t just the capital that is affected by high levels of air pollution.
Let’s start with the good news: Air pollution levels in England today have halved since 2003. Yet, research shows that almost everyone in the country is still exposed to levels of air pollution that the World Health Organisation (WHO) associates with significant public health risks.
What is Being Done?
By now, everyone should be familiar with nationwide initiatives like Clean Air Zones and Low Emission Zones, designed to set emission standards for vehicles in certain areas. In 2019, the government also announced its Clean Air Strategy, outlining guidance on pollution-causing items and practices such as tyres, brakes, and wood stoves.
In 2018, London Mayor Sadiq Khan also announced action to reduce levels of pollution in London and safeguard the long-term health of its inhabitants. Some of the announced initiatives included tougher laws on construction pollution, toxicity charges for older, more polluting vehicles, a ban on wood-burning stoves, new low-emission buses, and zero-emission taxis.
All these efforts will no doubt help clean up our air, improve our general health, and potentially add years to our lives. But what will they mean for two of our most precious organs: our eyes?
Air Pollution and Your Health
Air pollution is known to significantly affect human health. Studies show that increases the risk of all-cause mortality as well as specific diseases, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, and stroke. But how does air pollution affect our eyes?
Pollution and Your Eyes
Well, pollutants can have several effects on our eyes, ranging from relatively mild to potentially sight-threatening. For example, low exposure can be associated with redness, irritation and watering eyes. Longer-term exposure can cause symptoms to worsen, potentially leading to swelling, an increased risk of infection, and even visual difficulties.
However, the most common eye symptom caused by air pollution is dry eye syndrome (DES). This common condition occurs when the eye becomes unable to produce enough tears to keep the surface of the eye well-lubricated. As a result, the eyes can become inflamed and more sensitive.
Dry eye occurs as harmful particles and toxic fumes adhere to the outer surface of the eye, damaging the tear film and putting you at risk of severe complications.
More serious effects of air pollution on our eyes can include the premature formation of cataracts and even cancer.
Keeping an Eye on Your Skin
The skin is the largest organ in the body and the outermost barrier to the elements. As such, it is exposed to everything from ultraviolet light, extreme temperatures, toxic dust, and cigarette smoke – all of which can have a negative impact.
A number of studies have correlated exposure to air pollution with skin problems including premature ageing, dryness, pigmentation, acne, and cancer. So, cleaning up the air around us could also help us to improve the health of our skin – and this is also important for our eyes.
The skin around our eyes is thinner and more frail than in many other areas of the body. As such, it is more susceptible to the harmful effects of pollution. So, if you want healthy, bright eyes, a regular dose of clean, fresh air can go a long way.
Setting Your Own Safety Measures
Air safety measures introduced by the government and local authorities are definitely a step in the right direction to limit the dangers of air pollution. But is there anything you can do to limit its impact?
Wearing sunglasses and face masks
Sunglasses are much more than just a fashionable accessory. In fact, they should be a staple in everyone’s pockets or handbags, as they provide valuable protection from both UV light and potentially harmful pollutants. Moreover, while face masks may now seem like a relic from the peak of the Coronavirus pandemic, face masks can be invaluable in limiting the general health effects of air pollution.
Staying hydrated
Staying adequately hydrated is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Not having enough water in our bodies can affect almost every organ, including our eyes. It can cause complications with the tear film, leading to dry eyes and an increased risk of infection – which can be further exacerbated by exposure to air pollution.
Quit smoking
Cigarettes aren’t just harmful to our internal organs. Their smoke can also have detrimental effects on our eyes, exacerbating irritation. As always, the best time to quit smoking is right now.
Invest in a high-quality air filter
Air filters and purifiers help keep outdoor pollutants and allergens like pollen and dust from entering our homes and workplaces. If you can, installing one can be a worthwhile investment in limiting your exposure to air pollution while you’re at home.
Check the UK Air Website
Run by DEFRA and the Home Office, the UK Air website displays daily and extended forecasts of air pollution across the whole of the UK. You can use it to check levels in your area or where you are heading to help you avoid and prepare for particularly bad spells.
Air pollution can pose a significant threat to our eyes and our overall health. But if you’d like to learn more about your eye health, why not get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators? Interested in our treatment options? Book a Consultation today.