The 10 Most Annoying Things About Reading Glasses

A hand holding a pair of glasses

It can often feel like there are just two types of people in the world: those that wear glasses and those that don’t. While we may all be similar in most ways, this one difference can change many aspects of our respective lives. After all, those lucky enough to have never needed glasses (at least for now) are simply unable to understand the many frustrations they can cause.

Do any of these ten annoying things sound familiar to you?

10. Foggy glasses in the kitchen, bathroom, and any other warm room…

The last thing any of us want when making dinner for the family after a long day is to find our vision becoming fogged up after opening the oven or draining the pasta… This might not sound like a big deal. But when you become temporarily blinded simply because you walked into a warm room to escape the elements on a wintery day, this can be extremely irritating!

9. Waking up in the morning and forgetting where you left them…

So, you’ve awoken in the morning with the familiar blurry vision. But when you reach for your glasses on the bedside table, they are nowhere to be found. You might start off calmly, having a quick rummage in your bag or a careful feel across the surrounding floor, but eventually, things will begin to escalate.

Before you know it, you’re retracing all of last night’s steps, charging through the house like a bull in a china shop. Rummaging through drawers and making a mess everywhere you go as you desperately from room to room. You’re almost at the point of despair when you glance up and see them sitting on your bedside table after all…

8. Your prescription keeps changing

You might have been comfortably wearing your glasses for a good few months, or even years. But then one day, you notice that your visual acuity is not as good as you thought it had been before. You might be struggling to read emails or road signs, or perhaps noticing more frequent headaches.

Time to head to the opticians for yet another eye test.

You arrive at the opticians to be faced with the all-too-familiar chart of letters and the horrible realisation that you can’t read the line you could last time… Next, there’s that look from the optician as you’re told your sight has worsened and you will, in fact, need new glasses. Again.

7. Getting new glasses: expensive, a hassle, and just not fun

Being told you need a new pair of glasses – or finding that you have lost or broken your frames – can be particularly frustrating. After all, that means spending another chuck of cash that could otherwise have been earmarked for something much more interesting. Choosing a new set of frames or simply going through the process of ordering new lenses can be a hassle that you’d much rather do without.

6. Sometimes, you’re just not in the mood to wear them…

Let’s face it – glasses aren’t always the most flattering or comfortable accessory. Whether for reasons of vanity or practicality, sometimes we just aren’t in the mood to wear glasses.

Maybe they don’t go with your outfit, or maybe they are pinching your ears or nose in the wrong place. Whatever the reason, sometimes being shackled to your visual aids can be particularly irritating.

5. When people are like “You’d look so great without glasses!”

Well, this one is pretty self-explanatory. Who wants to be told they’d look better without something they physically need to see?! Thanks for that.

4. Needing special pairs for scuba diving, sports, going to the cinema, etc

For those who don’t wear glasses, it can be easy to overlook the possibility of having to own more than one pair. But glasses wearers with hobbies can often expect to have to switch between pairs of glasses or even invest in special sports accessories such as goggles for swimming or watersports!

3. Finding a perfect frame feels like a truly momentous occasion

Today it seems that glasses come in every shape, size, and colour you could imagine. And while it is true that there is sure to be the perfect match for your style and taste out there somewhere, finding them can often feel impossible. Even when you finally do discover the perfect pair, and have received confirmation from your nearest and dearest, it can still be too good to be true… Oh no, wait, yep, it is.

You see the price of the glasses and your heart sinks.

2. People asking if they can try them on

Another person’s glasses seem to be considered a fancy dress prop among many people. Someone comes up with the great idea of passing round your glasses at the dinner table and before you know it, everyone is laughing at the piece of kit you have to wear every day…

Oh and whilst you’re there, why not comment on how I “really can’t see anything?!” – because I’ve never heard that one before either.

1. You keep breaking them

Glasses may be an essential accessory for millions of people in the UK, but they are not always built to last. Sometimes the lenses pop out of the frames. Other times, you’ll find that the arms have become too wobbly or too stiff. And occasionally you might even find yourself having to fix hinges or even replace them altogether.

Either way, breaking your reading glasses happens way more often than many people realise.

The fact is, wearing glasses can be the source of countless frustrating moments. Thankfully, there is almost always another solution. If wearing glasses is getting you down, Laser Eye Surgery – in expert hands – is a safe and effective procedure which can significantly reduce – and often eliminate – your need for them!

To find out more, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators or Book a Consultation today!