Laser Eye Surgery testing

Questions to Ask Your Surgeon

Questions to Ask Your Surgeon

When undergoing any form of elective surgery, it is important to be as informed as possible before making any decisions. Your Patient Care Coordinator and Optometrist at the London Vision Clinic will do everything in their power to make sure you feel informed, safe, and comfortable heading into your surgery. But you should head to your initial appointment armed with any specific questions you would like to have answered by an experienced professional.

With that in mind, we have put together a selection of some of the key questions to ask:

Every effort will be taken to answer all your questions and address any concerns you have before you head into surgery. Your dedicated patient care coordinator will be on hand at all times and, best of all, your one-to-one appointment with your surgeon (scheduled for before surgery day) will allow you to ask any remaining questions.

If you think of any questions outside of your formal appointments – don’t hesitate to get in touch!