Concerned About Laser Eye Surgery? Don’t Be!

Despite being the most commonly performed elective procedure in the world (and one of the safest!), many misconceptions about Laser Eye Surgery remain. Among the most common of these is that there is a high risk of serious side effects. Understandably, this can leave many prospective patients concerned about the procedure – even those who have opted to go ahead with treatment!

So, we want to set the record straight. If you’re concerned about Laser Eye Surgery, let’s find out why you don’t need to be!

A Painless Procedure

First of all, let’s address perhaps the most pressing concern many patients have: Does Laser Eye Surgery hurt? Thankfully, this is an easy one to answer.

The fact is, while its name may elicit thoughts of sci-fi lasers burning through steel, that’s far from the reality. In fact, the lasers used in laser refractive surgery are not hot at all. Instead, they use UV light to break down bonds in the corneal tissue, allowing your surgeon to remove a pre-determined area of tissue with impressive precision.

So, while you might feel some pressure in your eye during your treatment, it shouldn’t hurt at all. Just ask some of our past patients:

“The procedure itself is really easy and does not hurt one bit. All you see is some flashing lights. And it’s very short, perhaps 5min in total. Mine was done mid-morning and in the evening I could already watch TV. Back to work (well, home office) the very next day. I’m recommending LoVC to all friends and family.”

– LS (2021)

“As I keep telling everyone I meet, this is literally the miracle of sight! After 20 years of contact lenses, I had laser surgery and now it is amazing!! … It doesn’t hurt and you can see straight away as soon as it’s finished. Please don’t put it off any longer, get it done!!”

– Anonymous (2020)

“I was apprehensive about the whole procedure, but from my first appointment with the London Vision Clinic I was put at ease. The operation itself was nothing to worry about, did not hurt and took minutes to do… I now have fantastic vision and wish I had had it done a decade ago now. Highly recommend this very professional clinic.”

– Torie (2021)

A Practically Non-Existent Risk of Blindness

Okay, so maybe pain isn’t the worst fear of prospective Laser Eye Surgery patients. After all, what could be worse than losing your vision completely during a procedure that is meant to correct it? Well, the good news is, the risk of this happening is so low that is all but zero.

While there is a risk of a complication arising that could result in your vision becoming more impaired, again this is extremely rare. Moreover, the risk of a complication occurring that an expert surgeon can’t correct immediately is even lower.

As many of our past patients point out, Laser Eye Surgery is much more likely to be a solution to your near-blindness – not a cause!

“After my surgery … I have 20/20 vision. It has completely changed my life. I felt miserable and blind before. Now I can see, I’m free of glasses and contact lenses and I’m comfortable all the time.”

– Nina (2014)

“I had a severe prescription and there was a risk that I might not achieve perfect vision, so they gave me contacts to mimic a ‘worse case scenario’, which was brilliant. Ended up with perfect vision despite being nearly blind. I could not recommend them enough.”

– Oliver (2018)

“I was blind and now I see… it has changed my life completely. I felt no discomfort during surgery and the whole procedure was over before I even knew it!”

– Thillini (2013)

The vast majority of patients are thrilled with the results of Laser Eye Surgery, from the very moment they open their eyes after the procedure. But that isn’t to say there are no side effects associated with the treatment. After all, Laser Eye surgery is a surgical procedure, and all patients should be aware of the risks when deciding whether to go ahead with the treatment.

The common side effects of Laser Eye Surgery

The most common side effects following Laser Eye Surgery are dry eyes and glare (such as halos and starbursts around light sources). These symptoms occur as a natural part of your eyes’ healing process and are usually nothing to worry about – particularly when you have the aftercare support from a high-quality clinic.

For example, patients at the London Vision Clinic will receive a comprehensive aftercare programme, including an aftercare pack and regular follow-up appointments with their expert surgeon.

Dry Eyes

Most patients will experience dry eyes to some extent after their treatment. The good news is this is usually managed effectively with the help of “artificial tears” – or lubricating eye drops. Moreover, your surgeon and the rest of our clinic staff will be on hand if your symptoms worsen or not improve over time.

Halos and Starbursts

Laser Eye Surgery is a quick and painless procedure. However, the stress placed on the eye during and after treatment triggers the eyes’ inflammatory response. As a result, your eyes will swell, which may cause a number of  side effects. The most obvious noticeable of these is usually glare around light sources – particularly at night. However, every patient is different – some may not even notice any glare!

In most cases, these side effects will gradually resolve themselves over the coming weeks. If, however, halos and starbursts are getting in the way of your normal activities (such as driving at night), your surgeon may provide you with temporary glasses to ease these symptoms as your eyes heal.

The important thing to remember is that, for the vast majority of patients, these side effects are temporary and easily managed in the meantime:

“The appointments and surgery all went very well. I experienced the normal side effects (e.g. some blurry vision at night) but these went away as expected within a few weeks. I’m so pleased with the outcome and glad I had the surgery.”

– Chloe (2023)

“I now have 20/20 vision and basically no side effects! My eyes feel like they have never undergone anything! I am so happy with my experience, the best money I have spent! It isn’t half as bad as you would think, so worth it and life changing!”

– Demi (2021)

“You’re made to feel comfortable and welcome from day one which really helps with the experience. My laser surgery was easy and I now have better than 20/20 vision with very minimal side effects!”

– Megan (2023)

If you’d like to learn more about the life-changing benefits of Laser Eye Surgery, why not get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators today? Alternatively, Book a Consultation to start your journey to clear, glasses-free vision!